Goaty spotted on 21/12/11,afternoon

You had a flat bed trailer with long steel pipes or tubes,crossing the bridge near Ipswhich,i saw the writting on the rear of the black cab,and the private number plate,had to be the Goaty.Misty and damp day too.

Sounds about right, bar the long steel pipes. He had on crates of galv tubes and a pair of “sinkers” on the front. :wink:

Goater,is that the bp i have read about that has the wheel clamper and fines,as you leave Felixstowe port,there is a cafe there.

That’s the one. Robbing ■■■■■. What’re you doing in Fxt? Thought you were a continental guru…

The continent has been invaded by flip flop wearing muppets that do the job for free,annual shower and a lidl or aldi bag is law to have in the cab,and go home once a year,with sending home the wages to the Mrs in Sofia. :smiley: