Goat topic?

What happened to the post about the goats ran over by the truck? If the video was seen as too graphic why not edit that post to remove the video■■?

It was removed because as you say it was too graphic.
What would be the point of the topic if the video link was edited out?

I am going to move this topic to the Feedback Forum.

Could not a (basic and not graphic) description be given instead of the video/FB link? At leas the topic could then be discussed.

I didn’t see it but if it was originally posted on an 18+ website then surely it shouldn’t be too squeamish for TruckNet?

Could not a (basic and not graphic) description be given instead of the video/FB link? At leas the topic could then be discussed.

Truck runs over a Goat ?

It was removed because I broke rule 3.

Rule 3 No bad language, racism, or other downright 'orrible stuff. This includes content in images and videos The quickest way to find out if a word is allowed or not is to include it in a posting, and if the auto censor gets it, it is not allowed.

But since you had to click on a link that took you out of tnuk surely rule 3 doesn’t apply


Could not a (basic and not graphic) description be given instead of the video/FB link? At leas the topic could then be discussed.

Truck runs over a Goat ?

Truck ploughs through herd of goats and driver doesn`t stop?

My kind of goat vid.



Could not a (basic and not graphic) description be given instead of the video/FB link? At leas the topic could then be discussed.

Truck runs over a Goat ?

Truck ploughs through herd of goats and driver doesn`t stop?

That’s the one. Yes the video was upsetting, however I would wager that the majority of visitors to this website are responsible enough to know whether or not to view it.

Facebook didn’t seem bothered about it being there and as we know young kids do use Facebook, not TNUK. There are much much more upsetting videos on youtube.

Er is it me BUT we don’t pay anything to the site owners. We get to say what we want. Glean some useful info. So if they say no to the post that’s their perogative. It would be like being invited to someone’s house and choosing the tv channel. If you really want it Google it.

Er is it me BUT we don’t pay anything to the site owners. We get to say what we want. Glean some useful info. So if they say no to the post that’s their perogative. It would be like being invited to someone’s house and choosing the tv channel. If you really want it Google it.

I agree with the sentiment of removing the video link, but removing the whole thread seems a bit nanny state-ish.


Er is it me BUT we don’t pay anything to the site owners. We get to say what we want. Glean some useful info. So if they say no to the post that’s their perogative. It would be like being invited to someone’s house and choosing the tv channel. If you really want it Google it.

I agree with the sentiment of removing the video link, but removing the whole thread seems a bit nanny state-ish.

Was that an intended pun? :slight_smile:

Bet this get’s taken down …
GOAT GETS RUN OVER BY TRUCK…must see :smiley:

Bet this get’s taken down …
GOAT GETS RUN OVER BY TRUCK…must see :smiley:

That’s terrible a lot more graphic than the original one. :laughing: