Go girl

youtube.com/watch?v=ekIDiRvKWyY :laughing:

She don’t look old enough. Either that or I’m getting old. :frowning: :grimacing:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekIDiRvKWyY :laughing:

Just to make things a little easier, this site has ‘video’ tab which can be used to watch the video on this site -

Simply paste the link like you have done above - highlight it - then click the video tab - you then get this -

Now I know women are supposed to have superior peripheral vision :exclamation: , but she didn’t look at her mirrors once :open_mouth:

Scary :open_mouth:

And what did she run over near the beginning of the clip? :open_mouth:

Sadly, this is enough to give women truckers a really bad name :cry:

Actually, any trucker…! :laughing:

Superb steering control - not. Random gear selection (adds variety! :smiling_imp: ) Excellent forward planning - not! :unamused:

Save me! :open_mouth:

Now more importantly, Jeezo, how did you come across this clip….hmmm? :wink: :blush:

Well…erm…I was tring to type in erm…Girl *uckers and erm…well less said the better me thinks (im kidding of course) :blush:

I was even more worried when she was emerging from the side road, a tractor turning in where she had just been and not even a glance in her mirror :open_mouth:. If she would have clipped him she won’t have known.

:open_mouth: :laughing:

:grimacing: lol

Hands off the wheel while driving,eating fruit,in control of truck.Waving at the camera.Another De Silva accident in the making.

I just thought the music was ■■■■, but she may aswell take her mirrors off as she doesn’t appear to need them.