Given the Choice ??

Given the choice, unless youve already fulfilled this ambition, where else in the world would you like to have a go at working as a driver for a few weeks ? Thought this would be an interesting discussion, as there is so many permitations as to what we would all try. I myself have never driven abroad in a working capacity, so I should really choose the sensible option of central europe. Then again I have a relative who is trucking all over America from his base in Canada. Ive also spoken to people who have worked in places like the Middle East, Australia, Newzealand and South Africa. I may be mad given the conditions, but Ive always admired the Scandinavian truckers. They have one of the coldest climates to deal with, but they still stay very enthusiastic about their profession. As for their trucks, who can resist one of those roadtrains tearing up the snowlaiden highways !!! :laughing: Ive given my choice, so where would you like try just for a trial period… Hot or cold climate ? Europe, America, further afield, or are you that cosy and settled you just wouldn`t bother ■■?

Would love to have a go with an Aussie road train and also take a drive anywhere in the world as it would be different roads and scenery. One gets fed up of seeing the M1, M6 and A1 5 times a week. :frowning:

It would have to be a roadtrain in aus. or a custom built mack or freightliner in the U.S.A.
But how about Africa getting around that country would be a challenge but what about the scenery. :smiley:

Andy smg Take tip from me & stay away from those cold countries. Putting on those snow chains will break your back. :laughing:

Andy smg Take tip from me & stay away from those cold countries. Putting on those snow chains will break your back. :laughing:

I was thinking about that Harry ! Maybe I`ll just sit beside the usual driver for a day instead. (What a wimp I am) :wink:

after having to drive through worksop with all its associated crapkickers,there are no challengers left.