Give peas a chance

Came up the M25 n/b from the M4 this morning, first time for 'kin years.
Looked out for the old landmark painted across the overhead bridge, my little girl always laughed at it back then (grown up now)
But it now says ‘Helter Skelter’ (obviously a lot of Beatles and Lennon graffiti artist fans in that area.:grin:)

I reckon that ‘Give peas a chance’ slogan should have been treated like a Banksy.
How long has it been gone btw?

Just thought it aint on the s/b side is it, and I have made myself look stupid again? :roll_eyes::joy::joy:

Btw anybody too young to remember who does not know wtf I am on about,…PLEASE do not tell me I have spelled it wrong.:roll_eyes::joy:

Now you ask I couldn’t recall when it had changed, I think I have had a patch of time where I didn’t pass by, up to a few years back when it’s quite routine again.

The anonymous London graffiti artist who annoyed everyone from the Queen to M25 drivers - MyLondon

I had thought the ‘Helch’ guy had done the ‘give peas a chance’ but sounds like perhaps not. There had been a very basic peas tag on the s/b side some time back.

Oh My!
I really hope you are right…(I will resist the temptation)…and that Beatles fans are the reason.
Either that or Charles Manson has been reincarnated…

…or HE never died !..

Spooky !

Nope :flushed:
Have you been sampling the weed?
I’ll maybe regret this, opening myself up to some patronising answer…but hey, let’s go for it.
In for a penny and all that…

Give peas a chance left in 2018 .

Just click on google maps to see peas

2018…not That long ago then after all.

I fully accept that this is a “far out” one…but…Helter Skelter was a favourite of Charles Manson.
And… lifted from wikipedia…
According to Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Vincent Bugliosi, who led the prosecution of Manson and four of his followers who acted on Manson’s instruction in the Tate–LaBianca murders, Charles Manson told his followers that several White Album songs, particularly “Helter Skelter”,[48] were part of the Beatles’ coded prophecy of an apocalyptic war in which racist and non-racist whites would be manoeuvred into virtually exterminating each other over the treatment of blacks.[49][50][51] Upon the war’s conclusion, after black militants had killed off the few whites that had survived, Manson and his “Family” of followers would emerge from an underground city in which they would have escaped the conflict. As the only remaining whites, they would rule blacks, who, as the vision went, would be incapable of running the United States.[52] Manson employed “Helter Skelter” as the term for this sequence of events.[53][54] In his interpretation, the lyrics of the Beatles’ “Helter Skelter” described the moment when he and the Family would emerge from their hiding place – a disused mine shaft in the desert outside Los Angeles.

Now…I am rather relieved that you had to ask what connection there was…
Maybe you aren’t quite? as crazy as I thought?..

Maybe I am!

Did not know any of that.
If I had been on Mastermind (fat chance) and my specialist subject was Beatles.
I would have said ‘Helter Skelter’ was on thr Sgt Pepper album, not the White album…in fact I would have put money on it.
Anyhoo googled it and I am wrong.

Makes you wonder how they mange to paint graffiti/ messages up on bridges especially over motorways


Love the Beatles original, cant find a version, but here’s Paul in concert performing it.

And then the great JBJ’s version.

Keep music live man ! :sunglasses:

Then to keep on thread (sort of :grin:)
What about John’s Give Peas a chance.

Ok it’s just a self indulgent excuse for me to put up some good music.:joy:

‘‘The news people said hey what ya doing in bed, I said we’re only trying to get us some PEAS’’ …Ballad of John and Yoko.

Ok I’m done now.:grin:

And as another off shoot of the Manson story, how about the Tarantino film with DeCaprio and Brad Pitt. It runs in (sort of) parallel with the Manson story and then veers off…a lot.
“Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”. Not necessary to know the references etc, t but they are all there.

U2 covered it on their album Rattle and Hum and it’s a live version. At the beginning, Bono says “This is a song Charles Manson stole from The Beatles, we’re stealing it back.” I never knew what he meant until I read this thread :smile:

I live close by and didn’t notice when it changed, but I do remember during covid it said ‘Thank you NHS’