Ghosts, ghouls and the supernatural

Have you ever driven a haunted truck or seen a ghost on a haunted stretch of road? Would you drive a truck that a colleague died in? Have you ever witnessed the unexplained? Do lorry drivers believe in the super natural?

my personal answers would be…
dont know.

ive put the willies up a few women in the cab though if that helps? :confused:

my personal answers would be…
dont know.

ive put the willies up a few women in the cab though if that helps? :confused:

Time to roll out and old favourite.

Waking up with a massive headache and no money and no recollection of the last 12 hours.
Only for a couple of weeks later to have “ectoplasm” seeping from your little fella.

Spooky or what■■?

I have driven lorries that the driver died in, not in accidents but health related. Not encountered anything supernatural on the road even though I did a fair bit of night work, but I lived in a ‘haunted house’ for 24 years and my uncle was walking around his old home for several years after he passed away and the new family enjoyed seeing him. Dad was seen by many folk a year or more after he died. My mother has regular visits from an old lady (possibly an old employee of the brickworks that was there long ago?) who comes in through her wall and out into the bathroom.


The only strange thing I have experienced was back in about1966 I was about 17-18 travelling back from Sutton in Ashfield to Spennymoor in one of our Morris (BMC) FG 2 tonners with 4.2 litre 4 cylinder diesel engine, which anyone who ever drove one would know was deafening in the cab with the throb throb throb making it impossible to hear a radio, even if we had had one. The journey was dreadful, with thick fog to the extent I could hardly see the cab when I got in to start my journey home.
Just either before or after Ferrybridge I was travelling about 20 mph when I heard a shrill whistle, so I eased off to see a policeman standing with a torch guiding me onto the central reservation to drive round an artic, which I noticed as I slowly drove round the cab, belonging to Direct Transport Shlldon, which appeared to have jacknifed & was sideways totally blocking the carriageway.
To this day I never knew where the whistle came from, I have asked several police had they a high powered whistle they could use, and they have all said no. Even then I cannot imagine how I heard a thing over the engine noise in the FG cab.
Had I not heard the whistle I haven’t the slightest doubt I would have driven straight into the side of the Direct trailer. Some people would say I had a caring dead relation looking after me. I don’t really believe, but if I have I hope they keep their watch

Years ago used to drive a killer lorry, won’t go into details but the tragedy hadn’t involved me in any way.
There was always something not quite right about the thing, for one thing most wagons would get up to around 70 or 80 or so in those days but then ran out of steam, that thing was just getting into its stride like another engine had fired up in the background, the paintwork of the rest of the fleet was bright, this one had developed a matt light absorbing finish that no amount of cleaning could change, even when wet it didn’t reflect, not dissimilar in some ways to the tanker wagon in the film Duel.

Had an unnerving experience with it one night, just the one time and again won’t go into details but it left me in no doubt there are things that can’t be explained and are probably best not getting involved with for ones sanity and safety.

Was it cursed or haunted? i dunno, she never did me any harm, on the plus side there was nothing on the road could live with it (even the Irish lads couldn’t get near it) and it seemed happy with me at the helm.

A Friday in late September 1974. I’d already rebuilt the engine in my Mini Countryman, and had refitted it with the help of my mate during the afternoon. Around six o’clock, teatime over, we started it up and set off for a short test run, just around the block to check for leaks, temperature, the usual stuff. Everything was OK, so we set off again for a steady run down the motorway for a couple of junctions. Pulling off the M1 at junction 36 (Birdwell), I went round the roundabout for the return trip to junction 38. As I got to the top of the slip road, I saw a young (18-20-ish) woman dressed in typical, if a bit dated, hippy-style clothing and carrying a cream coloured vanity case, thumbing a lift. I said to my mate “I bet she’s heading for Bretton College”, just off junction 38, and it turned out she was. My mate got out so she could get in the back, and we set off. She was very hard work, no conversation at all, so I stopped trying. About 15 minutes later, we arrived at the college, matey got out, she got out, matey got back in then he said “she hasn’t got her case”. I turned to look in the back, couldn’t see anything, and put my hand on the seat where she had been sitting - it was stone cold. All this took just a few seconds. I turned back to look for her, but she was nowhere to be seen. The nearest buildings were about 80-90 yards away, there was no way she could have even run that far in such a short time. I went up to the nearest accommodation block and asked a couple of other students, but no-one could help. I never did hear about any “mystery students”, but it makes you think.

A Friday in late September 1974. I’d already rebuilt the engine in my Mini Countryman, and had refitted it with the help of my mate during the afternoon. Around six o’clock, teatime over, we started it up and set off for a short test run, just around the block to check for leaks, temperature, the usual stuff. Everything was OK, so we set off again for a steady run down the motorway for a couple of junctions. Pulling off the M1 at junction 36 (Birdwell), I went round the roundabout for the return trip to junction 38. As I got to the top of the slip road, I saw a young (18-20-ish) woman dressed in typical, if a bit dated, hippy-style clothing and carrying a cream coloured vanity case, thumbing a lift. I said to my mate “I bet she’s heading for Bretton College”, just off junction 38, and it turned out she was. My mate got out so she could get in the back, and we set off. She was very hard work, no conversation at all, so I stopped trying. About 15 minutes later, we arrived at the college, matey got out, she got out, matey got back in then he said “she hasn’t got her case”. I turned to look in the back, couldn’t see anything, and put my hand on the seat where she had been sitting - it was stone cold. All this took just a few seconds. I turned back to look for her, but she was nowhere to be seen. The nearest buildings were about 80-90 yards away, there was no way she could have even run that far in such a short time. I went up to the nearest accommodation block and asked a couple of other students, but no-one could help. I never did hear about any “mystery students”, but it makes you think.

i think thats your get out of jail story in case crimewatch decide to revamp some old unsolved murder cases… :smiley: