Scanny, a wee (true) story for you to ponder . . . . .
A couple of years ago, my mate, Geordie, gave in to the nagging from his wife about getting the snip. He went to the doctor who did the usual initial consultation before sending him away to think about it for a week or so. The consultation went along the following lines. (G = Geordie, D = Doctor)
G. I’m thinking of having the snip. What’s involved.
D. It’s a simple enough procedure. Can be done in a day. How much research have you done into it?
G. I’m here, ain’t I?
D. Okay - here are a few facts and figures. 40% of blokes who have this procedure are left with a dull aching pain, similar to when you get hit in the balls, which lasts for anywhere between 6 weeks to 6 months. 10% of those blokes never get rid of that pain but learn to live with it.
G. Zb’ing hell Doc!!
D. Having said that, it can make things better at home, particularly for your wife.
G. Yeah, but . . . . . .
D. Anyway, take that info with you, have a think about it and make an appointment to come back and see me in a week or so and we can get things started.
G. Can I ask you a more personal question?
D. Yes, no problem.
G. Have you got any kids?
D. Yes.
G. Are you planning on having any more?
D. Definitely not. My wife is a career woman, also a Doctor, and the 2 we have is fine for us.
G. So have you had the snip?
D. No. Not now, not ever! And that’s with my wife’s blessing. But don’t let that influence your decision . . . . . . .
G. I’ll be seeing ya . . . . . maybe if I’ve got flue or broke me leg but me nads are staying just as they are thanks!!
Last I heard, Geordie spends more time down the pub and less time ‘on the job’ nowadays.
P.S. Mrs Tandy knows Geordie and his Mrs. Following Geordie’s experience she has said she wouldn’t want me to do it - bless her!!