Ok after a few months work in small and large vans I decided to use my grand father rights to drive a 7.5t truck. I’ve just finished an assignment so two weeks of driving the little truck
It’s gone well although the job was a bit crappy.
So a couple of general questions as I’ve got a few assignments in the offing one is a 5 ton van, the others are 7.5, and one of those is nights.
I’m thinking stay in a truck even if it’s nights rather than van.
What are the major issues with night work? It would be London delivering to hotels etc
in my opinion you dont want to swap between days and nights pick one and stick with it.
having done predominately night work there is the type that you deliver to staffed delivery bays and the other type is unstaffed where your responsible for unlocking and locking up. both have pros and cons.
staffed delivery points… Pros … someone around to assist if needs be… cups of coffee offered etc… they are the security not you cons. 9/10 you have to wake them up.
unstaffed… pros i cant think of any. cons. Anything goes wrong you will be blamed for it by that i mean damage stuff missing etc. If you have an accident your own your own with proper equipment and suitable loads its not an issue but i have yet to find that in unstaffed places. Your the security gaurd and responsible for locking up and setting the alarm etc.
Im not sure which catagory hotels come under. i have only delivered to them once in london in the day time to one of the posh ones in south ken. I called them up as although i knew where the hotel was i didnt know where the delivery point for the kitchen was. I was told there isnt one just park outside. Which i duly did and brought all their cheap generic sausages and sauces etc etc through the front door in front of the guests announcing in a loud voice that i had the value sausages for them they soon decided there was a delivery point.
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Thanks mate I hope to do my class 2 in the next 3/6 months all being well. I’m soon learning to avoid the heavy lifting jobs which can be common in 7.5t jobs so this one does not sound too bad compared to the last one. I would be arriving in London around 930pm so yeah a bit of a weird one I’m sure the agency said hotels I believe they will be open I suppose. I will find out but I’m trying to avoid the residential deliveries and the 4 am starts as I’m not an early riser.
If your planning on doing class 2 I’d say go for 7.5 t work.
Gives you chance use a tacho card etc
Which will look good when your progess to class 2
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Hey md1987 is that midnight cowboy there lol