getting a job

what are the chances of getting a class 1 driving job in spain malaga area as we want to live in spain in the next couple of years time or maybe sooner if the jobs are there. thanks

Bloody difficult!! I live just outside malaga in benalmadena and unless you speak Spanish you havent a hope in hell. The only chance is with the Brit removals firms but the pay is usually very poor and they expect you to run bent etc…

BE WARNED!! There is a company operating out of Marbella called Wolf International and they advertise in all the Ex Pat English papers EVERY week as they cant keep drivers (their attitude ■■■■■). I did 3 months with them doing 7 days on 7 days off Marbella to London. In order to keep to their schedule you run 16 hours a day and are expected to run blank cards - if youre caught they will not bail you out. Avoid them like the plague.

I reckon that used to be the firm that i parked near when i worked in Chadwell St Mary, Essex, when i was there (around 95-96) they were called Silver Wolf. I didnt think anything of them for years until a few months ago, i saw Wolf International. Obviously had problems of some kind or other to change their name. D"OH, just read your other post hombre! the answer would be a yes to my question then! :laughing: :wink:

If i were you go to a night school and learn Español before you come over, it will help a great deal, as without spanish your chances of getting a job are next to nil :unamused: :unamused:

There is plenty of work, especially in exporting fruit, they cant get it out the country fast enough, but its all down to the Español :sunglasses:

I finally found a job after months and months of searching, you will find that most of spains trucks are owner operated (80+ %), (so its not as easy as opening the Paginas Amarillas (Yellow Pages) and ringing all the transport firms) with most of them owning more than one truck, i work for a spaniard in málaga who owns two trucks and i do 7/8 days on :open_mouth: to anything from 24hours :open_mouth: to a week off, so its not for the family man ether!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: (Weekly rest periods out the window, follow all the other rules though :open_mouth: )

Best of Luck though :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Is that the same Wolf as from Burton?