Get a Trucker home, Paul Stephen Stanyard

They’re only £300 off the £10k target now. Even trucker Jay donated :open_mouth:

So because he didn’t die in the “correct” way they wash their hands of him…

Absolutely disgusting.

Yet they advertise for custom claiming that "the driver will look after the load for the ENTIRETY of its journey,so they claim he was off duty yet they tell their customers the driver will still look after the load…

Made a small contribution myself,just passed the £10k mark let’s hope this easys the pain a bit and try can start to grieve for their loss.

To Matthews International: Get better insurers. These Nimrods need to be named as well. Hiding behind small print when the man’s family have enough on their plate.

Neither party have covered themselves in glory.

To Matthews International: Get better insurers. These Nimrods need to be named as well. Hiding behind small print when the man’s family have enough on their plate.

Neither party have covered themselves in glory.

Absolutely agree, but just think how they could of handled it…

MIT: “We’re sorry but the insurance are being corporate scumbags and not paying out. Here’s the entire cost of repatriation out of our own pockets. He was a valued member of staff, and clearly loved his job, do you want a tractor unit to carry the coffin for you FOC at the funeral? We’re sorry for your loss”

The above is a PR ■■■■■■■■■, instead they have PR disaster on their hands entirely of their own making.

Matthews had a choice. This could have been different and all they had to do was an easy choice.
If they had said that their insurance company have refused to repatriate his driver due to a legal loop hole, but Matthews will pay not only to bring him back but also the funeral costs, they would be in a different place today.

But after only paying £404.00 tax on half a million profit what else do you expect?

Totally agree about their pr disaster. And unfortunately now, anything they do to help going forward, will be treated with the contempt it deserves. Unless a director jumps in and says it was dealt with at a lower level and somebody’s getting sacked that is

I m in know way sticking up for the firm but why hasn’t the insurance company been named and shamed too disgraceful on both parts!

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Scandalous stuff I’ve been sharing the hell out of this to get as much raised as possible

When they say if he’d had an accident, he’d be covered, sounds like a standard fleet insurance policy.

If you are a Euro trucker, it might be time to ask what insurance the company has in place. As I said, we have a separate policy that covers hospital costs, transfer back to a UK hospital or bringing the body back. Long time since I took it out, and fortunately never had to use it, but fairly certain it covers something towards a spouse/partner flying out as well. It’s something a Company should have for drivers working abroad IMO.

Sad, tragic and disgraceful!!! :imp:
I hope Matthews gets the PR it deserves…

Looking at the bigger picture though, why is this situation even possible? I think the law needs to be looked at and made so that when an employee is working abroad on company business, the employer is 100% liable for costs in situations like this!

Beeze its exactly the same as going on holiday without correct holiday insurance. Its possible because Matthews Transport International let it be possible through their own penny pinching.

Now they have reached the target I hope they raise enough for a kick party to send him off with.

Absolutely shocking! Me tinks and hopes that Matthews have done a Gerald Ratner !!!

Beeze its exactly the same as going on holiday without correct holiday insurance. Its possible because Matthews Transport International let it be possible through their own penny pinching.

Agreed. Every race team I’ve worked for has had a separate policy for its staff working abroad, although I will be checking the small print on our present one. I think for a company not to have one could be considered negligent. A year or so ago a race teams mechanic died in Germany while on a night out, and there was no question that the company wouldn’t arrange bringing his body back to the UK.

I’m suprised Matthews haven’t offered to arrange a vehicle (reefer / van?) to transport him home.

Shame on Matthews :open_mouth:
R.I.P driver just goes to show he’s just an employee number :unamused:
Donation being made.


Beeze its exactly the same as going on holiday without correct holiday insurance. Its possible because Matthews Transport International let it be possible through their own penny pinching.

Agreed. Every race team I’ve worked for has had a separate policy for its staff working abroad, although I will be checking the small print on our present one. I think for a company not to have one could be considered negligent. A year or so ago a race teams mechanic died in Germany while on a night out, and there was no question that the company wouldn’t arrange bringing his body back to the UK.

The point I’m making is that it shouldn’t be an option of whether they have the right insurance, it should be a legal requirement if an employer needs the employee to go abroad…

Yes when I go on holiday it is my choice and it’s up to me to sort out my insurance, but I don’t see it being the same when an employer wants me to go abroad. Should I take out insurance using my wages to cover getting me home, or should I be asking the firm for a copy of their insurance to check it covers me and doesn’t leave my family out of pocket? I confess I’m rather ignorant as I’ve been in this position, so know next to bugger all about it…

Shameful behaviour by Matthews. Terrible behaviour by their insurers. Wonder if the person responsible for obtaining and checking their insurance is going to get sacked?
I`ve worked for 3 UK firms running into Europe. On 2 of them we had the misfortune to have drivers die abroad. One employer did winge a bit about the cost, but did repatriate the body at his own expense. The second arranged everything and made no comments at all about money. Dunno if insured or not, but credit to him for not making an issue out of it all. The poor guys family have enough to put up without money worries etc.