Get a Trucker home, Paul Stephen Stanyard

How can he not be covered as he was on a break, he was probably only on that break sure to a legal requirement, typical insurers always find a way out of doing the right thing. Even worse on the company for not jumping to the aid of the drivers family when the insurance said no.When things like this happen there’s too much of a not my problem attitude, I guess there is no humanity in business.

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I just donated a fiver. Come on fellas, they’re only a couple of grand short. If a few hundred more of us donate, we can help get the bloke home. It’s only a couple of coffees!!

Disgusting attitude of this company. You can still get on their Facebook page by going to their website and clicking the Facebook icon.

Just donated they are nearly there now another couple of grand and they’ll be there. Shame on Mathews Transport big enough profits last year yet can’t get a driver home hop no one on here works for them as you now know what they really think of you, absolutely nothing, more important to get the load home than the driver

Ay ! Insurance will not cover if the driver is on a break, I have never heard of so much hogwash in my whole life .
So if the driver is on a legal 24 or 45 hour weekly rest and the load is stolen or ruined by a perishable load being tampered with due to a fridge break down, or the vehicle stolen, had another vehicle hit it, they won’t pay out .
It is like a UK driver having a 15 minute tacho break for the loo and a coffee at Strensham, you get to your lorry and a coach has written it off ,sorry not insured, driver not working .
Let’s hope we get the driver back home soon.

£4.1 million in the shareholders fund. It would cost the 4 millionaire directors less than £4K each. Disgraceful


Don’t suppose anyone happens to know who their customers are. As it wouldn’t hurt to make them aware of this scumbag firm.

We all whinge and gripe about things, some trivial, some not so trivial but this is just downright wrong on every level. Not just in a “transport industry wrong” way but in a moral way.

They are welcome to £5 of my hard earned. Get him home.

Both Matthews and the Insurance company should hold their heads in shame. Appalling way to treat an Employee and his Family. :imp:

While I agree that the behaviour of the company of the company falls far below what should be expected of them, how the hell can it cost £15,000 to recover a body from Italy to the UK?

Back in the 90,s a British International ltd driver had a boil on his bum lanced by a dirty needle in a hospital near Burgos in Spain.
He drove to Bordeaux truckstop and in the days of no trackers and mobile phones, he was found dead in his cab for five days.
He was flown back in a lead lined coffin ,the cost back then was a lot of money , due to the charter cost of the aircraft .
But Tim Allen paid for it .

How can he not be covered as he was on a break, he was probably only on that break sure to a legal requirement, typical insurers always find a way out of doing the right thing. Even worse on the company for not jumping to the aid of the drivers family when the insurance said no.When things like this happen there’s too much of a not my problem attitude, I guess there is no humanity in business.

Sent from my ALE-L21 using Tapatalk

So let me get this right, he’s on a legally required break, yet he’ll probably be sticking with the truck.

So therefore he’ll be (looked down on no doubt) as FREE / UNPAID truck security etc!!! :open_mouth: :imp:

Company should be named and shamed to all their customers for what they’ve done / doing!!! :imp:

RIP driver…

Couldnt see a post about this but matthews international had a driver pass away abroad and tbh they need all the crap they can get. … s&app_data
If you can help

This is disgusting. I’ll donate a few quid too

Excuse me but I’m not on Faceache but does it say how he passed away ? Hopefully peacefully in his sleep, shame on you Matthews .

Having just spent a few mins reading their Facebook comments - they have just turned into a PR disaster for anyone linked to them.

According to gofundme the press are getting hold of this. And whether you agree or not - rich bosses shafting workers sells papers.

Pebbledash the boss’s house with effluent from a turd lurper. :imp: :imp: :imp:

Harry Monk:
While I agree that the behaviour of the company of the company falls far below what should be expected of them, how the hell can it cost £15,000 to recover a body from Italy to the UK?

From what I can understand of the donation page, they need 10k. Which doesn’t seem out of the way with 2 funeral directors, flight, paperwork, handling and storage involved. We had my nan cremated 3 years ago. One car, service and cremation, very basic and that was 9k. Death is an expensive thing these days

We had to have a body moved within the UK (Wales to the Midlands) and off the top of my head I can’t recall figures but that cost a fair whack that made me wince.

I feel for the driver who had to go and take his lorry over certainly not a nice task .

Even Stalin and Dickens couldn’t make this up - just because he died whilst on break - words fail.

Seriously hope this goes big in the printed media, telly etc.