Germany Except ADR approved for Elbe

elbtunnel ausnahmen - Google-Suche - Mozilla Firefox_2013-09-22_08-47-47.png1.3 exceptions
The competent authority may, on application in accordance with § 46 paragraph 1, exceptions Highway Code
arranged by provision of the characters VZ 261 by driving bans
for the Elbe during the motorway A7, Wallringtunnel, the Krohnstiegtunnel
and allow the tunnel Sengelmannstraße / Zeppelin road. these exceptions
can be provided with conditions and obligations. The competent authority
shall make the necessary arrangements. Applications for Exemption
are operating at the national transport

(LBV-Ausnahmen, Ausschläger Weg 100, 20537
Hamburg, Telefon: 040 / 4 28 58 - 0, Telefax: 040 / 4 28 58 - 26 66, E-Mail: zu richten
Video Ausnahmetafel