German motorway shooter jailed for 10 years

The German man given a jail sentence for carrying out hundreds of shootings on German motorways The court in Germany would not reveal the name of man who shot at hundreds of fellow drivers
A German lorry driver who carried out more than 700 shootings on the country’s motorways has been jailed for 10 and a half years.

Over a five-year period, the man fired bullets at passing vehicles and roadside buildings.

One woman was seriously injured after being hit in the neck by a ricochet.

The court in Wuerzburg found the man guilty of four counts of attempted murder, grievous bodily harm and dangerous interference with traffic.

The lorry driver, who was not named in line with German privacy rules, was described by prosecutors as a “frustrated loner with a hatred for people and an affinity with guns.”

When police arrested him, the man admitted to the shootings but said he had not meant to harm anyone.

Police had offered a reward of 100,000 euros (£79,000; $126,000) for evidence to help bring the gunman to justice.

But they were unable to catch the man for years, partly because drivers did not immediately realise their vehicles had been hit and partly because German data protection laws prevented investigators from using CCTV footage from motorway toll-booths.

They eventually set up licence plate scanners along the highway, comparing the vehicles that passed with the times of the shootings, leading to the man’s arrest last year.

let’s hope he doesn’t escape from prison then, for germany’s privacy laws will make sure that they can’t use the escapee’s real name or photo for the wanted posters. rest assured he’ll be back at his old job, as his employer has no right to know where he’s been meanwhile, privacy and all that

let’s hope he doesn’t escape from prison then, for germany’s privacy laws will make sure that they can’t use the escapee’s real name or photo for the wanted posters. rest assured he’ll be back at his old job, as his employer has no right to know where he’s been meanwhile, privacy and all that

Is it any wonder we have soft touch Britain with the major player in the EU having ridiculous privacy laws in their own country like this.

German fools.

I think his name is Hans Ontrigger :lol

Germans are to privacy like the UK is to benefits - a soft touch, and a conspiracy against the taxpaying public.

Even the street view was blocked in Germany.

That means no “checking out the new depot you’ve got to go to”… You’ve only got the smudgy overhead pic, and when you get there, it turns out it was knocked down 3 years ago, and rebuilt in a road that doesn’t exist on the overhead view yet, like this place in our neck of the woods…

or this place in my neck of the woods…

Lyons Estates - Not built yet.jpg
Or this place in the movies…