George (Funnyfut) Pitcher

Thought I’d give a bit of an update as I am at home all the time now, usually fighting over the phone with the numptys at the DWP.
The cancer is still spreading, although the Zyplodex I have that’s injected into my stomach once every three months is slowing it down. It has now progressed to my neck and covers my skull, the hips and legs are slightly worse than they were at the last scan but not as bad as they could be. Walking is now just a few feet with my sticks and then it’s over to my wheelchair or scooter. I have my Macmillan nurses in twice a day now so the company is great. I have my next scan in a couple of weeks to see if it has reached any of my internal organs, I do not feel like it has but as Emma my mac nurse says with all the morphine I take I would not know if my leg had fallen off. I have my good and my bad days like everyone, todays a good one I only took a low dose of my morphine tablets this morning so I am quite with it.
Reading all the posts make me feel like I am still on the road, even though I don’t reply as much it’s still good to know that you are all out there. When I have anything delivered, like my new wheelchair, I must bore the life out of the driver talking about when I was on the rod etc.
I have not made it yet to go fishing but I will and I plan to get to the Proms in the park, I still have a lot I want to do and the list gets longer every day but I will manage to do most of it.
Gone on a bit but when I feel good I have a lot to say.
Keep safe all

well goerge words fail me but im glad your keeping upbeat about things.

best of luck with it.

also your missing nothing on the road.

As someone who used to work with George, I know he is a cheerful bugger who like most of us, has a good sense of humour. I think he needs it at a time like this.

Keep smiling, George and think of the fishing.

I can’t tell you how much respect I have for you Funnyfut if I lived nearer I would come down and take you fishing but I am not due down south till next summer. (repton and myself should be on honeymoon) If you still want to fish next summer it would be my absolute pleasure to pick you and share an afternoon on the beach if you are willing. :slight_smile:

Just read this and it’s hard to hold back the tears. I had the finger up the bum earlier in the year and fortunately it was OK!!
It was a worrying few days waiting for it, all sorts of things go through your head.
You sound like a very brave tough cookie and with a good positive attitude you will win through, even if you don’t, think of it as a big adventure to the otherside, don’t be frightned, if you come back just imagine how the Trucks would of changed!!! :laughing:
I trully wish you all the very best and I hope the big man keeps a special eye on you. :wink:

i cant believe you’re still having trouble with DWP george
after my initial dealings with them i’ve had no bother, they even send unsolicited cheques now and again.
i took you’re advice and asked my consultant about the check and she said if i had any sign of prostrate trouble they would’ve picked it up, but she agreed with you more men should check it out, like women do with breast screening.
keep it up george and good luck with the fishing

have just seen your post and may i say how sorry i am to read it. can i add that i applaude your bravery for being open and strong about your condition, perhaps if more were like it the condition or any similar would be caught sooner. the very best of luck and my most sincere regards to your family.

The DWP and the Job centre want me to attend an interview to see about me returning to work :open_mouth: , I rang them and told them I would need to have a late appointment as I have to have the helpers get me ready for the day, I was told I have to be there by 10am, no matter what I say they will refuse to pay my allowance if I do not attend. I go tomorrow my Mac nurse is going to get here early so that I should be able to make it on time. My next appointment for the hospital is also tomorrow in Chichester at 3pm so at least I will have a long day out.
Thanks for all the good wishes they really help get through the bad times, I am now on the morphine patches so the pain is not as bad as it was just a dull ache most of the time.
I can’t imagine turning up in a truck on Worthing front and getting me and my chair out to go fishing but thanks for the offer, if all goes well between now and then I will take you up on it Lady trucker.
I will let you know how I get on tomorrow
Safe journey everyone

hiya george,
i can’t believe you’re still getting hassle off the social.
do what i did, tell them its not possible to come in due to risk of infection and invite them to visit you, emphasising that they must send someone who is guaranteed germ free.
get your nurse to have strong words with them to back you up,
i think you’ll find they’ll just pay up because they don’t want the responsibility of making you any more ill than you are.
like i’ve stated before, it worked for me,
i don’t have to answer to them health wise or availability to work wise until sept 2010 and i’m nowhere near as serious as you afaik,
you should not be having to go to them to justify yourself like this.
complain to their bosses and have a word with the local paper,
what they’re doing to you is a disgrace.
good luck, steve.

I can’t imagine turning up in a truck on Worthing front and getting me and my chair out to go fishing but thanks for the offer, if all goes well between now and then I will take you up on it Lady trucker.
I will let you know how I get on tomorrow
Safe journey everyone

I’ll hold you to that . :smiley:
By next year we might be able to offer you a ride on a trailer being pulled by a vintage grey fergie if that takes your fancy? Providing we get it running. :blush:
I am struggling to post about the social because I find their incompetence just comical. :blush:
Good luck George. :smiley:

have just noticed that u are from worthing area. being a lancing boy and ex boundstone yob who is now in exile in leicester i wonder if our paths have crossed in the past? hope everything goes ok with your mac nurse.

How did it go at DWP hope you are well after your day out

the dwp are a joke, if you were faking an illness or back pain or anything else the lazy work shy scroungers come up with you would have your benefits and more no questions asked, a few years ago i was involved in accident that left me with a shattered heel bone, it was not work related it was in my own time, i was in hospital for 8 weeks had two operations to rebuild it was in a plaster cast for 10months with a big scaffholding style support around it, needless to say i could not work like this but it took 19weeks, two trips to dwp office sixty miles away with my scaffholding and a letter from my surgeon and doctor to state the nature of my injury and how long before i would be able to return to work,they checked all my savings and said i could use that first, after all the years of paying tax and ni and working from leaving school this was how i was treated and it doesnt get any better, the problem is being white,british and male your face doesnt fit in the uk anymore…

First of all I would like to thank the driver of the truck that stopped to help me in Chichester when I was having problems crossing the road in my chair. The lights at the pelican crossing were not working and in the peeing rain I was stuck there trying to cross in my chair, this artic stopped at the crossing got out put on his HiViz and stopped all the traffic both ways. He then pushed me across and climbed back up in his cab tooted and pulled away. I did not get his name and only the first part of his number GU56■■?, there were no markings on the wagon it was a DAF but thanks mate.
My morning at the Jobcentre was a real farce, we got there at 10am and were put in front of a young lad who I thought should still be in school :confused: He looked at me as if I had just interrupted his video game and then proceeded to ask me about my work history and what I was doing now to get back into work :open_mouth: . My Mac nurse then waded in stating I am sitting there in a wheelchair, my illness is terminal and I am in constant discomfort so how does he expect me to do any work? His answer was he was just asking what was on the screen :unamused: any way after a further 10 mins my Mac nurse demanded a manager and then the matter was resolved and they will not bother me anymore.
The hospital appoinment was at 3pm and we made good time, before we went in I decided to go over the road for some soft drinks as they are cheaper and more of a choice (I always was a cheap scate). I got across ok but as before I had a job getting back.
The results of my tests were not to bad my PSA levels have come down from 49 to 11.7 so the Zylodex implant seems to be doing the job. The bone cancer has spread by 8% mainly to my hips and legs so the arms are still doing well. There are no signs of it attacking my organs yet so fingers crossed, all in all a good result. I have these Morphin patches on now which last three days and use Oramorph (liquid morphine) as a back up if I get severe pain, the problem is with the Oramorph you tend to have hallucinations :open_mouth: . I told the doctor this (who is a great guy) and his reply was “well that’s the only free trip you’ll get on the NHS” magic.
I live in Billingshurst blueisland and go to Worthing when I can for a bit of a blow along the front. Still alls well that ends well
Safe journey’s everyone

good for you george, thats a nuisance gone you shouldn’t have had to have been dealing with.
just remember what i said if they do start again,
play the infection card, it will work.
glad you’re responding well to the treatment, keep up the good work, steve.

Thanks Steve, glad to see your doing well keep it up

nice to hear about the trucker that helped. shows that good is still out there somewhere! hope to continue to read ur posts for a very long time yet. hang em all funnyfut and enjoy the ride!

I’ve just seen this and I’m gutted.

George and I ran together subbing for the same firm for a while and as has already been said, He has always been happy go lucky even when the proverbial was hitting the fan (like when the fridge broke down in Spain,the driver piercing the fuel tanks on the Eurostar platform & when the scaffold clip went through the tank on Handcross hill on the A23 …Ah the memories)

I think I’m going to make him an honorary member of the Jonah club.

By the way I dont suppose there’s any chance of that money I lent ya before it’s too late? :wink: :laughing:

I think I’m going to make him an honorary member of the Jonah club.

don’t join his club george, keep his money and run :laughing:
i remember him shaking my hand and wishing me luck at truckfest last year and look what a year i’ve had :laughing: :laughing:

Well thats it then when I used to work alongside of him something always happened :unamused: I can still remember the time he said to me nothing else can go wrong :open_mouth: I had a blowout on the front tyre :cry:
Sorry Sean but the taxman took it :wink:
Glad your ok mate miss the laughs we used to have together on the road :smiley:
Steve just don’t go near him for a while at least until you are definately 110% fit :wink: