I have just got the results at the hospital today and the news could not have been worse. All of you men out there know about prostate cancer and like me thought no not me and ignore the warnings. I did and today after having all the tests and a bone scan I was told that because I left it too late the cancer is in most of my bones. my legs, pelvis, two ribs and the back of my skull. The cancer is one of the most aggressive types and I have been given 18-24 months at best. This is down to me and me alone for ignoring the signs, peeing more than usual, uncomfortable when passing water and not emptying my bladder.
Now I am on various tablets and I am having an implant to slow the cancer cells down but there is no cure as it is too far gone.
Please all of you have the blood test it shows the levels of PSA mine was 49 normal is 4-5. It is curable if caught early enough but once it spreads outside the prostate then there is no cure. So don’t be like me go get the test.
I have not been posting for a while but now I will be as I will be spending more and more time at home so I will be able to give my pennies worth so I look forward to posting again.
Hi funnyfut, As Denis F, but I’d add that I’ll second your warning about taking the PSA test.
For those who don’t like needles, the PSA test can be done at the same time as you need a blood test for almost any other reason, so there’s nothing extra to endure. Depending on your age, most GPs don’t normally ask for a PSA test when they fill in the blood-test request form, simply because prostate cancer isn’t always uppermost in their minds.
Once you’re aware of the need for a PSA test, it’s simply a matter of the GP putting one extra tick in a box on the same form.
I’ve had my fair share of medical procedures and can vouch for what I’ve said above.
I have a slight problem with high blood pressure, which is treated by one tiny little tablet per day in a completely routine way. As a side-effect of that tablet might be that it causes a problem with kidney function, I need a blood test for that reason every so often. It really is no effort at all for my GP and I to keep an eye on my PSA count, since prostate cancer, (amongst some other things)is what killed my dad.
For anybody who thinks that it’s cool to ignore obvious medical warning signs,
I’d advise a read of MY POST IN THE FAMILY FORUM
Whilst nowhere near as serious as yours funnyfut, my little story does illustrate the point you made about not ignoring things. I’m guilty of it myself, so go on, have a laugh at my expense.
sorry to hear your sad news and i hope you outlive what the doctor has told you.
if you ever need cheering up just pop on here, thats what i do, as there are normally quite a few cracking posts that will make you smile, even if they are not meant to.
I really have no idea how to express my shock and sympathy at your terrible news. It is a testimony to your character that you use such a shocking tale to warn others and we are always here for what ever reason be it a laugh or a moan. You are more than welcome to pm me if you would like to talk in private.
Take care mate and stick around.
All the best
Lindsey and Paul (repton)
Some of the guys on here will not care for what i say next but that isn’t my concern. I’m no billy graham but i do believe in the healing power of God! Prostrate cancer can be healed by God, no matter what doctors say My prayers will definately be with you funnyfut.
its took me ages to write my reply because i don’t want to sound patronising. i’m truly sorry to hear of this mate but having just come through something similar all i can say to you is stay positive.
i put my recovery totally at the feet of the consultants treating me but all of my consultants, doctors and nurses say my recovery is down to my mental attitude to my illness.
they lose more people than they should because most people on being told they have cancer just give up.
i dont know you or your outlook on life but i’ve always lived mine with the que sera sera attitude, what will be, will be.
when i was told what i had, i just told them to go for it and cure me, they almost failed but i’m still here (read the goodbye for now thread)
whatever you do make sure you do it with a positive attitude, if you give up you’ll be dead before the 18 months are up.
when you wake in the morning, tell the cancer you’re going to beat it, don’t let it rule your life.
i’m not saying it will go away but a guy i see at the clinic regularly was given 12 months to live in 2002, he’s not in the best of health but he’s still here.
good luck to you, the treatment isn’t nice but the most powerful weapon you have now is in your head, please be positive.
its took me ages to write my reply because i don’t want to sound patronising. i’m truly sorry to hear of this mate but having just come through something similar all i can say to you is stay positive.
i put my recovery totally at the feet of the consultants treating me but all of my consultants, doctors and nurses say my recovery is down to my mental attitude to my illness.
they lose more people than they should because most people on being told they have cancer just give up.
i dont know you or your outlook on life but i’ve always lived mine with the que sera sera attitude, what will be, will be.
when i was told what i had, i just told them to go for it and cure me, they almost failed but i’m still here (read the goodbye for now thread)
whatever you do make sure you do it with a positive attitude, if you give up you’ll be dead before the 18 months are up.
when you wake in the morning, tell the cancer you’re going to beat it, don’t let it rule your life.
i’m not saying it will go away but a guy i see at the clinic regularly was given 12 months to live in 2002, he’s not in the best of health but he’s still here.
good luck to you, the treatment isn’t nice but the most powerful weapon you have now is in your head, please be positive.
Never kow quite what to say to things like this, but Biggus is right… My mother had cancer and refused to give in to it and lasted years longer than they gave her. The right attitude can help a lot.
Good luck for the future years
Some of the guys on here will not care for what i say next but that isn’t my concern. I’m no billy graham but i do believe in the healing power of God! Prostrate cancer can be healed by God, no matter what doctors say My prayers will definately be with you funnyfut.
I am also shocked by this news .I lost a good friend last year to this disease .A couple of years ago he told me he’d got it but refused to have an op;I don’t know if it was vanity or fear. He moved to France to live his lifelong dream & died there. In those snaps of the countryside I put on here recently I was in a pub & met a young driver from way back who who had also contracted the disease but he took quick action & he was at the pub with his wife & had fathered two boys who were now teenagers ( The eldest smoking like a trooper )
But as the guy above said mental strength is whats going to count. Myself ,I would get hold of a camper & take a trip to Lourdes…you never know ?