My stomach acid seems to be getting worse, and when chat to other drivers they have the same thing, the Omprezole and Lanzoprole did not touch it, only masked the soreness for a few months, and the Gaviscon was not working, you can get a thicker and stronger Gaviscon from the doctor, the one off the shelves at Boots is a weaker version.
At night the acid comes up and i can not breathe for a few seconds to get air down my throat to clear it, it can be a fright, i have had the pipe with the light at the end for the consultant to have a look, but nothing serious.
How many on here get pain from sitting all day, with the traffic jams and all the other stuff that goes with it, does it make the acid worse.?
Could it be related to stress and anxiety?
I get the same thing sometimes and I put it down to the above,trying not to be late for deliveries,no time for yourself,it certainly gets me like that.
I just keep taking the tablets and Rennies,had the endoscope like you have and it too found nothing,I reckon with me,most of it is in my mind.
Go and get your gall bladder removed and any other bits you don’t use very frequently
It was so bad the doctor on the phone said it may be gall stones, key hole op, no pain then back to work, i am on a stronger medicine Rep or Rab something, seems to be working for now.
It is no no for alcholol, ■■■■, spicy food, greasy food, dairy products and caffeine which irritate the condition.
Going all day on an empty stomach is no good, the stomach acid eats the lining, so small snacks, little and often, like nuts and raisins.
Or cereal bars.
If you google throat spasm, it comes up with Bysectumeliac, not pleasant, you can not breathe.
i have a hyatus hernia (excuse spelling) and have been on lansoprozal for a number of years now, these work for me but if i run out it is. as has been said very unpleasant. if medication isnt working i suggest going back to the doc, it could be a sign of something serious
Used to get a lot of acid when lay down in bed,I have been taking those little bottles of yoghurt ,(the ones that are good for your stomach) and since doing that i have had ALOT less acid etc.I would wake up either hard to breathe or will red hot bile coming up my throat and choking me, A lot better nowadays, not had any attacks for months.
Sleeping with the head high up on the pillows does help, about 45 degrees to stop the acid coming up in the night.
I had simular symtoms over the last few years and nothing seemed to work untill i was recommended to use a herbal treatment in capsule form called Mastic Gum,it treats and heals the stomach lining,it definatly works well for me,as when i dont use them for a few weeks i slowly get the symtoms back,i take 2 before bed,they are available online from WWW.BURSTING WITH HEALTH.CO.UK at a cost of £19.95 for 60 capsules,and they do a deal where if you buy 3 packs you get a 4th free so i always buy them like that and they do me 3-4 months. They have a little after taste when you start using them first you get a little burp but soon passes with regular use.
Have you looked into IBS? very painful cramps, wind and bloated along with reflux at night are all symptoms. Usually at it’s worst in the morning when you get up and, the more you stress over it the worse it gets.
I’ve never had it to the point it had woken me up during the night or had actual acid come up from my stomach but I have always had a certain amount of daily discomfort from stomach acid. My missus is always on at me for eating to quickly and/or not chewing my food properly which can be very painful and cause embarrassing hiccups. Yet she eats quicker half the time!
Chewing is called mastication, i tend not to chew very well and swallow food whole, i think it goes back to eating in Europe when drivers sat in big tables and if you did not eat fast enough the waitress would ignore you, so when i was on my starter the whole table was on their desserts, and my meal would go cold too.
The drivers would talk fast and loud and eat at the same time.