being that food is extremely cheap over there in the states and as the majority of truckstops have them eat all you want buffets for $6. how many of you have gained a few pounds since moving overthere. from my visit there i thought the amount and even quality of the food was great for the money you pay. and a visit to a mexican restaurant was an eye opener , the food was amazing.
its just a shame about not having real bacon rashers.
I managed to put on a few pounds last I was there, but I still lost 2 dress sizes. At least in numbers anyway…
Food is not very cheap here, I wish it was mate, we ate far better on our last rip to the UK than we do here, and for a lot less in most cases, so I am not sure where you get that from. Truck stops are very expensive form what I have experienced, just a few are cheap, The only ‘As much as you can eat’ place I know is a $10.00 fee and a tip for the staff as is expected, so it costs a lot more. The best value ■■? DUNKIN DONUTS, or if you want a hot meal pick a regular diner, not a truck stop, most of which are now franchised to Pizza Hut , McDonnalds etc.
Gimme a good old British truck stop with a bar etc anytime, at least other drivers talk to you about something other than trucks.