Full Apology

Firstly apologises for the delay in writing this thread, I have been away visiting family for a few days

It appears that I was “UNWISE” in my choice of words on my recent drunken rant (being drunk is no excuse though)

Some members felt that the use of the word “perverted” refered to their use of the internet to chat about and research truck driving.

I had requested that members if they have time visit our advertisers and sponsors, and a small minority made it very clear that they would not.

There is no such thing as a FREE LUNCH, and if some one is working for and providing me a service that cost me NO money, and then asked me for a little non-monetry help that took next to no time to do then the right and proper thing in my honest opinion woul be to try to do so…

the word Perverted means
per·vert·ed ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pr-vûrtd)
Deviating from what is considered right and correct: a perverted idea of justice.
Of, relating to, or practicing ■■■■■■ perversion.
Marked by misinterpretation or distortion: a perverted translation of an epic poem.

However looking at the paragraph written, with a sober head I can see that it is very easily open to misinterpretation

For that I offer a full and unreserved apology

fair play mate can’t say fairer than that :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: at least ya apologised more than what alot of people would do mate :wink:

This is the traditional birthday apology then :question: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: You never did say how your head was the next day. :laughing: :laughing:

:lol: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: You never did say how your head was the next day. :laughing: :laughing:

Dont Ask :smiling_imp:

Rikki you said you were just trying to be a normal Trucknet member on your birthday so has everyone kicking off put a stop to that? you used to be around alot more than you do now.

I read a lot :open_mouth: :smiley: not many posts get past my beady eye :smiley:

Despite popular belief running a website the size of this one is not simply a matter of slapping a few pages on the web and letting it carry on in its own merry way.
90% of running this site is never seen by the users of the site.

for example it is only Tuesday

so far this week I have had

  • multiple conversations/e-mails with the editor of a truck magazine re: a competition to take one of his readers and one T/Net UK member to the USA for free next year
  • as above but with truck drivers in the USA based who may take UK drivers out in their trucks
  • Phone and e-mails with organisers of the Worlds biggest truck show to get the winners of both competitions VIP tickets to the show and backstage passes to the concerts on the night
  • Arranging the hotel rooms for above competition
  • because of a sponsor’s of the competition accounting arrangements, looking for and finding someone who will put the finance for the winners flights and hotels in place first and then invoice the sponsor(Thanks Davey Driver)
  • Talked to one of our major sponsors whose sponsorship is due renewal
  • Talked to one of our major sponsors whose sponsorship is due renewal marketing dept after getting the OK from thier boss that all is OK… :confused: head and brick wall comes to mind
  • Talked to MSA operator… wanted the earth from us as a website for professional drivers,(and pay NOTHING) told them to sod off and will give them a thread on the forums and nothing else
  • had an invite from the BBC to go on the radio
  • Had 7-8 members having problems logging in e-mails and a couple of phone calls sorted that out
  • No complaints yet this week from companies who are getting slagged off in the forums… but they will come
  • still havent completed the annual return, but working on it :unamused:
  • Spent an hour or so talking to a potential new advertiser
  • spent a fun couple of hours working with the Truck.Net USA guys trying to find out why our brand new servers crashed last night
  • Dealt with 5 phone calls from drivers who got our number from the website and needed info

and after all that
spent time with my partner
done the washing :open_mouth:
looked after the dog :unamused:
got the car fixed
logged onto the forums

also I am involved in another (non trucking related) website and took part in their activities

I would love to be involved in the forums like I used to be, but there is only so many hours in the day,
the Admins and moderators do a fantastic job and take that weight of me, but it also means I lose that sense of fun that I once enjoyed…
and once a year I let that go.

hence this years controversial rant

but I have beeen admonished for it(deservedly so)

Next year I might behave :open_mouth:

Believe that you will believe anything!! :open_mouth: :smiley:

OH yes… I forgot… in amongst all that I still get into truck now and then :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
I stand corrected, can I have your autograph! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
From all of us, thank’s Rikki. :wink:

can I have your autograph

You certainly can

However it is worth bugger all :smiley:

dont even think about forging it on a cheque… you will only get my favourite bailffs around knocking on your door

ps… they are really nice …offer them a cuppa and their happy :open_mouth: :confused: :smiley:

PMSL@Rikki :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Thanks LT… needed a little light relief tonight
its also nice that the efforts by all of the TruckNet UK team are appreciated

the Admins/Mods/Newsteam get no compensation from TruckNet UK, they ALL do it solely to help and assist the members

Dont say “WOW” to me

say it to them, they all do the day to day work

it is their dedication that keeps us #1

I got into a discussion with Neil about this during a coffee poisoning session on a boat but in a more public situation I would like to say to all the admin staff, mods, news team, ect, ect.

A GREAT BIG WOW! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
If I could work a computer you would be subject to the worlds biggest bold type, so be grateful that I’m thick. :laughing: :wink: :laughing:

Excuse me… but as I agree with your sentiment I have helped you out… hence the large BOLD type above-Rikki

Thank’s Rikki. :blush: :blush: :blush:

No Problem :smiley:

Next year I might behave :open_mouth:

That I cannot belive :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :laughing: :laughing:

It will be boring if you don’t Rikki, and you know you enjoy the grief of Lucy :wink: :wink:

I’ve just read the thread and the fall out resulting from it. Trouble with this place is, you can’t remember posting but it’s their the next day. I suggest next year Lucy locks Rikki in the cupboard with a bottle and doesn’t let him anywhere near a computer 'till he’s sobered up :grimacing: .

I’ve said this before I think, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY Rikki.

I hope it was a good night :sunglasses: :laughing: .

I’ve said this before as well, but the sight has helped me immensley and will continue to help me immensley. Thankyou to Rikki and all the mods for their hard work :wink: .

You’re missing the point Lib, the birthday rant and the birthdfay apology are a tradition now, if Lucy locks Rikki in a cupboard it wouldn’t happen and the place just wouldn’t be the same. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

yeah and if it was a member who had a birthday rant telling you’s what they thought then they would have been dealt with there and then by one of yous mods.and the post deleted,but yet the post that caused this is still showing.one rule for them,and one for the rest.

The post was dealt with in exactly the same way as a post by any other member.

Once it was spotted, Coffeeholic edited the part of the post which broke site rules. There was no need to delete the rest, as it does not break any rules. That would be the same for any member.

A public apology has been asked for in private, and it is here for all to see. That is exactly the same as would happen for any other member.

Once the rule-breaking comment has been removed from posts such as these, we only delete the rest if the member asks us to do so. In this case, the member has not asked us to do so.

So what, exactly, is the problem? :confused: :confused: :confused: