the ability to cause chaos…■■? Might have been a different story had ALL MINERS joined the strike and Thatcher would have had a bigger battle on her hands and IMO it would have been a different outcome…But us in Yorkshire can still hold our heads high…
Thatcher didnt want the unions as they were…3 day weeks…power cuts etc etc…so she maid a point with the miners and it was the Yorkshire miners that suffered because they were the only ones to stand up to to her.
the ability to cause chaos…■■? Might have been a different story had ALL MINERS joined the strike and Thatcher would have had a bigger battle on her hands and IMO it would have been a different outcome…But us in Yorkshire can still hold our heads high…
It’s often been said that if Arthur had agreed to a national ballot, there was a fair chance that the Notts miners would have come out. I think Scargill’s personal vanity, and the inescapable fact that he wasn’t as well-respected outside Yorkshire as he might have thought he was, drove him to go ahead with the strike regardless. His predecessor, Gormley, was far more of a pragmatist and managed in 1974 to do what Scargill failed to do later; brought down the government.
The reason why they won in 1974 had nothing to do with Gormley it was all about the fact that Heath was an easier adversary and didn’t resort to the type of tactics which the Tories have since Thatcher.Bringing down Heath and then putting Callaghan into power instead of Shore were the two biggest mistakes that the trade unions have ever made and probably ever will.
No offence Carryfast but Kent aint your typical mining county…that woman destroyed parts of Yorkshire,mainly south and when the pits shut there was nothing…OK the miners lost but at the end of the strike they marched back to work .
Going back to the current dispute, I can see one common trait with Scargill and Len McCluskey; both are hell-bent on opposing the government rather than working with it, and will use every tool in their box to achieve that goal, regardless of the human cost to their members.
Judging by the posts on this and other threads on the subject, I’d suggest that the tanker drivers’ cause is lost even before they’ve set a date for their proposed strike, and they’ll come out of it with much less than even they bargained for; and all for the sake of one man’s burning ambition.
gnasty gnome:
Going back to the current dispute, I can see one common trait with Scargill and Len McCluskey; both are hell-bent on opposing the government rather than working with it, and will use every tool in their box to achieve that goal, regardless of the human cost to their members.
Judging by the posts on this and other threads on the subject, I’d suggest that the tanker drivers’ cause is lost even before they’ve set a date for their proposed strike, and they’ll come out of it with much less than even they bargained for; and all for the sake of one man’s burning ambition.
Just like the British Airways staff. Call them pawns. Call them cannon fodder.
Thatcher didnt want the unions as they were…3 day weeks…power cuts etc etc…so she maid a point with the miners and it was the Yorkshire miners that suffered because they were the only ones to stand up to to her.
She actually did what she intended to do by effectively wiping out most of the British mining industry throughout the country like Wales and Kent not just Yorkshire.It’s only now that the remnants of what’s left of the industry are finding out that there is now a demand for the product from anyone with the sense to ditch their domestic gas heating and use coal fired heating instead.
The fact is the only reasons for the industrial strife in Britain during the 1970’s was the difference,between the policies of the British government and British employers in relation to wage policy,compared to their German counterparts.
No offence Carryfast but Kent aint your typical mining county…that woman destroyed parts of Yorkshire,mainly south and when the pits shut there was nothing…OK the miners lost but at the end of the strike they marched back to work .
But contrary to the stereotyping about the south east it was actually the Kent miners who returned to work last having actually voted against the call to return to work,at least until guarantees were recieved,concerning the employment status,and therefore future redundancy terms,of all those involved in the strike and there have been plenty of other workers,in different types of industries in the South East,who were just as badly affected by her policies as the miners were.
gnasty gnome:
Going back to the current dispute, I can see one common trait with Scargill and Len McCluskey; both are hell-bent on opposing the government rather than working with it, and will use every tool in their box to achieve that goal, regardless of the human cost to their members.
Judging by the posts on this and other threads on the subject, I’d suggest that the tanker drivers’ cause is lost even before they’ve set a date for their proposed strike, and they’ll come out of it with much less than even they bargained for; and all for the sake of one man’s burning ambition.
Just like the British Airways staff. Call them pawns. Call them cannon fodder.
I think it’s always been a case of British governments like those of Callaghan,Thatcher,Blair and now Cam and Clegg who are the ones who are hell bent on opposing the country’s workforce when it comes to wages,terms,and conditions rather than working with it.Unlike the luckier German workers.
I think it’s always been a case of British governments like those of Callaghan,Thatcher,Blair and now Cam and Clegg who are the ones who are hell bent on opposing the country’s workforce when it comes to wages,terms,and conditions rather than working with it.Unlike the luckier German workers.
I think it’s always been a case of British governments like those of Callaghan,Thatcher,Blair and now Cam and Clegg who are the ones who are hell bent on opposing the country’s workforce when it comes to wages,terms,and conditions rather than working with it.Unlike the luckier German workers.
The last time I checked it is not the British Government -v- the tanker drivers but it is the tanker driver’s employers -v the tanker drivers.
This Government is merely trying to ensure the supply of essential fuels is not compromised in case the toys are being thrown out of the pram, dummies are firmly spat onto the floor and the air is being polluted by flamable materials burning in oil drums.
gnasty gnome:
Going back to the current dispute, I can see one common trait with Scargill and Len McCluskey; both are hell-bent on opposing the government rather than working with it, and will use every tool in their box to achieve that goal, regardless of the human cost to their members.
Judging by the posts on this and other threads on the subject, I’d suggest that the tanker drivers’ cause is lost even before they’ve set a date for their proposed strike, and they’ll come out of it with much less than even they bargained for; and all for the sake of one man’s burning ambition.
This will come down to who blinks first and the level of support for any strike amongst the drivers. If the drivers stand firm they won’t lose as the country will very quickly run out of fuel for all but essential services whatever measures the government puts in place. If they wobble they’re done for. The utter rubbish posted on here by small minded and petty little jealous people will be water off a ducks back to them as it should be.
Why don’t they just sack them, which would immediately lead to a safety improvement on the roads as the majority drive like ■■■■■ these days, and give the jobs to people who want to work?
Says the man who collects circa £40k for spending half his shift on the bunk! I do hope your tongue is firmly planted in your cheek!
Why don’t they just sack them, which would immediately lead to a safety improvement on the roads as the majority drive like ■■■■■ these days, and give the jobs to people who want to work?
Says the man who collects circa £40k for spending half his shift on the bunk! I do hope your tongue is firmly planted in your cheek!
One should appreciate when one is on a good screw. The last thing you want is to start making noise. It is going to backfire.
Isn’t it wonderful how the working man turns on his own when there’s the slightest possibility of someone getting something they don’t have? Since 2009 this country has bailed out the banks to the tune of £325 billion but that’s not worth a word these days. But then lorry drivers don’t usually attend Eton/Westminster/Oxford/Cambridge do they? Jobs for the boys lads, jobs for the boys!
44 Tonne Ton:
Isn’t it wonderful how the working man turns on his own when there’s the slightest possibility of someone getting something they don’t have? Since 2009 this country has bailed out the banks to the tune of £325 billion but that’s not worth a word these days. But then lorry drivers don’t usually attend Eton/Westminster/Oxford/Cambridge do they? Jobs for the boys lads, jobs for the boys!
Indeed. How did one used to get into tanker driving? It was who you knew rather than what you knew. Dead mans shoes for a starter followed by knowing somebody before you were even considered driving for those good wages. One should look indeed after ones own.
44 Tonne Ton:
Isn’t it wonderful how the working man turns on his own when there’s the slightest possibility of someone getting something they don’t have? Since 2009 this country has bailed out the banks to the tune of £325 billion but that’s not worth a word these days. But then lorry drivers don’t usually attend Eton/Westminster/Oxford/Cambridge do they? Jobs for the boys lads, jobs for the boys!
Indeed. How did one used to get into tanker driving? It was who you knew rather than what you knew. Dead mans shoes for a starter followed by knowing somebody before you were even considered driving for those good wages. One should look indeed after ones own.
I see. So you’re a happier bunny knowing that a working man is getting less for the job and that money now goes to the fat cats.