Soldier z:
Hoyer stands for HAND OVER YOUR EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS I agree with Willis all the talk here is about pay, hours etc its NOT about pay. Again hoyer rep been spreading rubbish about £47,000 per year wages i to work for hoyer WE DO NOT GET THAT our basic pay is about £27,000 we do not get Time and a half for bank holidays or any overtime its all a flat rate. but unlike other drivers we stuck together and we fought for our Ts and Cs and we don’t want them taken away. Every six weeks on our shift pattern we get 10 days OFF but before you start shouting i wished i did WE DO NOT GET PAID for those 10 days so we sell back our holidays and work overtime.If any available. If you breakdown or get a puncture we DO NOT get paid for the first hour of THAT or ANY delay. Some company’s pay there tanker drivers £47.000 per year so what good luck to them i wished i was on it but I’m not.So guys please stop moaning and saying its all greed its not about pay its about enough is enough. please ask and you will get the true facts of what we earn. As regards training its no were near as good now as it was at the end of ESSO days and start of Hoyers day. I have also been told and seen some terrible things were drivers have only been on job for a couple of 3 days and let loose with 44,000 ltrs of petrol behind them.Yes we know there are numptees doing this job even in hoyers.
If it’s that bad why not get another job?
I’m sure there’s plenty would work for £27,000 basic plus overtime.
Any old parcels carrier based inside the M25 pays that… Albeit including london weighting, but here’s the whole point - These wages are always talked of INCLUSIVE of just about every allowance under the sun that few, if anyone gets. It’s all about turning the public against “greedy” drivers in the same way it was done against the miners.
Bankers are greedy. They drive down wages for anyone outside of a suit, then offer credit so people can still get the shopping in and pay the bills. When people borrow money, they are under the impression that their rising wages over time will help reduce the debt. Wages no longer rise, but interest rates have not come down despite falling to 0.5% base rates!
All a total fiddle of the public…
I reckon the main reasons stopping the British Public doing anything about these minority public enemies are:-
(1) Lack of Solidarity - I’m alright jack culture. If the tanker drivers DID all go out on strike, how many agency would turn down a free ADR course and £15ph to cover for it? - I’d be sorely tempted! 
(2) Apathy. Most people don’t give a ■■■■ when they can’t see it, and by the time they CAN see it it’s too late to do anything about it. Much like Religious Faith really… 
(3) Ignorance. Most people don’t understand why Einstein said “Compound Interest is the most powerful force in the universe”. He was stating that as a Jew rather than as a Scientist. Fancy financial shenannigans are the reason for a lot of the entire western world’s ills these days. Most of them are manufactured by jews, be they bankers, stores, or supermarkets. (This is the bit where DM censors me, but it’s gotta be said!) Price manipulation, manufactured inflation, low returns on investments, high charges to investments, and of course the big lie of “future earnings will make repayments easier”. We shouldn’t need borrowings in the first place just to get by - a fault of over-produced and pushed credit like it was some kind of Opium. Karl Marx got it wrong. Religion isn’t the opium of the People - Credit is! 
(4) Fear. “If I try and do something about it, my job will just be given to someone else”…
I’ve got a mortgage to pay like many others. When my pay/terms & conditions got threatened in my full time job, I decided to chuck it in and “go low” rather than have my life eroded on someone else’s terms. At least Austerity on my own terms has me with 6 months off a year for not much less than what I was on when I left! I’m not working 50-60 hours a week for the rest of my life anymore with only enough earnings to “service” debts and pay bills & food. As I’ve said in previous posts, I’d rather keep all of £18k of earnings rather than work double the hours, and only take home barely £5k more… 
There are too many people in the world today for this “old” economy based on Nil Sum “One guy has millions, and 1000 families go without” system. I’m no socialist - I’m a capitalist! - BUT I believe in Capitalism with no safeguards for those already at the top. You go bust, you DON’T get bailed out. Your company goes under, You lose everything you have, because that’s the risk you took when you started on the path to riches, as people at the bottom do when their fledgling business folds. Anything else is just a complete corruption of what capitalism was originally all about. 
No one would have wished the late Steve Jobs any harm - Making his millions the honest way. But what of bankers, who’s commissions were extracted on a “churn and burn” basis from pension pots that shrink each year, NOT because people are living longer (another lie from the top!) but instead because the pot keeps getting looted by management charges and straight-forward investment incompetence! 
Now, shall I stand as Medway candidate for Ukip or BNP?