fuel strikes???

i have seen postings about the strikes over the past day or 2 but where is the information coming from and why are we not included in it? surely the strikes would only work with strong support from ground level ie US so why are the leaders not in here letting us know what they are doing? there will obviously be mixed views from the members here but there is mixed views about everything. the point is, how/what/where is all this going on?

have seen postings about the strikes over the past day or 2 but where is the information coming from

From your very own FREE news source right here at TruckNet :open_mouth:

i meant direct contact with the people involved in the recent talks. why are they not in here trying to drum up support and keeping us up to date on a ‘as it happens’ basis? a fuel blockade will affect a lot of us both getting to work and actually working. if people are using public pumps for diesel, their trucks will soon stop running when the pumps run dry. those of us who are on agency will lose even more if they dont have work to go to or dont have the fuel to get there.
despite all this, i still support the action. :smiley:

why are they not in here trying to drum up support and keeping us up to date on a ‘as it happens’ basis? :smiley:

Because trucknet is not a campaigning group and probably wouldnt support anyone campaigning to support the industry.

If there were a fuel protest now, similar to the last one, it would probably have profound effects on President Blair being re-elected.

why, its not the government thats putting up the prices its the (we are making billions profit oil companys)if we had a real labour government then perhaps things would change.as it is its just a poor mans tory party.

The price of Diesel is not the issue as far as I am concerned, its the extorsionate rate of duty levied on the diesel that I take issue with. At present for every litre the government take 47p! which makes GB diesel the most expensive in Europe, and this allows our industry to compete on a level playing feild? I think not. As to which party would redress this problem, I doubt that any would. A blockade would fail unless the hauliers stand firm, and with bills to pay, that’s just not going to happen. I wish it would as my fuel bill has gone through the roof over the last 6 months.
What we require is a reworking of the duty. Remove the duty as it is now, and replace it with a large increase in vat payable on fuel, that way Joe public pays abouth the same, maybe slightly more for thier fuel, but essential users can reduce their bills by claiming the vat back. But hey, what do I know.

I agree with tramper re-the problem with the price being the duty not the price of the fuel itself.

Why is it that the bus & coach companies are deemed “essential” users of diesel but the Haulage industry is not.

Local bus companies pay little more than rebated (red) fuel because their journeys are considered essential (getting people to work etc etc)

but getting food to the shops isnt essential in which case if we stopped for a week it would be no problem as it’s not essential that we do. :wink:

increasing the costs to joe public would subsidise tax losses on rebate for essential users but try telling the government that. they would increase tax everywhere out of greed.
a hunch tells me that this protest will last a week. i certainly hope so. they gave in too early last time. learn from past mistakes is what i say :smiley:

by the way, if fawley is on the list, see you there. i want to be involved this time :laughing: