Fuel Protest

But all companies have to pay the same price for fuel, so can’t see why it would send companies skint?

It’s the same as it was 30 yrs ago.

But all companies have to pay the same price for fuel, so can’t see why it would send companies skint?

It’s the same as it was 30 yrs ago.

It sends companies skint because incomes don’t match fuel costs.If they put the price of aviation fuel up to £6 per gallon including taxes then the airlines would be skint not because the price wouldn’t be the same for all of them but because not enough people would be able to afford to use/pay for the service.In which case raising the price of tickets wouldn’t work.

If only life was so simple…If truckers joined or formed a protest, Vosa will/could revoke their licence, so thats them off the road…what did that acheive… Next,increase the rate for the job, yeah…in anideal world scuse me mate, rates just gone up, thats another £100 a week, per truck…so thats them lined up against the wall, message to ( anyone who supplies the supermarkets ), hi gottaincrease the rates cos diesels gone up…yeah right…so F.R.O. cos we`re gonna get another haulier/supplier…100 more companies against the wall…so far so good… Hello Poland…need any work…got loads of brit companies here refusing to work…got load ofit…good rates too…50p a mile :laughing: Supermarkets control :…they tell the farmers what they will pay, they tell the milk marketing, what they will pay, they tell suppliers, what they will pay, and most of all, Customers, will dictate who they will use, who they dont, upset them, your out the door…what will that achieve…collectively…defeat anyone. Singly…no one…one dayit may be possible for the haulage companies to be under one umbrella, to pull freight, for a fair rate ( hey thats my slogan ) willit happen…i doubtit…so grin and bearit. for thats what competition all about.

we have all gone back to when Thatcher was in power the rich got richer and the poor got poorer so now its time for us to turn the tides and show this government that we wont stand for it anymore we voted them into power so they work for us not the other way round.

We have not gone back to when Thatcher was in power because anybody who can tie their own shoes should be able to work out that the gap between rich and poor has NEVER STOPPED GROWING since margaret thatcher left office.
At the end of THIRTEEN YEARS OF NEW LABOUR GOVERNMENT the gap between rich and poor had grown enormously throughout with the grand finale of bankers bonuses being paid for out of no strings attatched bail-out money granted by Gordon Brown. I can’t help but get the impression that you’re the sort who only whinge about the government when it’s a Conservative one. Or can I take it you supported the 1997 fuel protests?

I can’t believe people still blame Thatcher, more than 20 years after she went. I’m surprised nobody has started banging the coal miners’ drum again, and complaining about post offices being shut. Change the records please, you’re starting to sound like Heart FM.

I bought a gallon of petrol in 1970… it only cost me 3 shillings and sixpence… (( that’s 3.85 pence per litre if anyone is curious ))

I bought a gallon of petrol in 1970… it only cost me 3 shillings and sixpence… (( that’s 3.85 pence per litre if anyone is curious ))

Can you sell it to me? I’ll give you 50 pence for it, that’s a substantial profit I assure you.

I bought a gallon of petrol in 1970… it only cost me 3 shillings and sixpence… (( that’s 3.85 pence per litre if anyone is curious ))

Do you still have a wage slip from 1970?

Footballers were earning £4 per week :stuck_out_tongue:

Wheel Nut:

I bought a gallon of petrol in 1970… it only cost me 3 shillings and sixpence… (( that’s 3.85 pence per litre if anyone is curious ))

Do you still have a wage slip from 1970?

Footballers were earning £4 per week :stuck_out_tongue:

I do have a wage slip from round about that time… i must look it out and let you know the vast amount I was earning as a supermarket assistant. watch this space.


Wheel Nut:

I bought a gallon of petrol in 1970… it only cost me 3 shillings and sixpence… (( that’s 3.85 pence per litre if anyone is curious ))

Do you still have a wage slip from 1970?

Footballers were earning £4 per week :stuck_out_tongue:

I do have a wage slip from round about that time… i must look it out and let you know the vast amount I was earning as a supermarket assistant. watch this space.

To put things better into perspective I was earning a bit over £2 per hour as a class 2 council driver in 1980 when petrol was around £1.30 per ‘gallon’.The total taxes VAT and Duty on fuel at that time were around 45% and 45% of £1.30 per gallon was a lot less than 65% of 1.37 per ‘Litre’. :open_mouth: :imp:

how can there be fair competition in the oil industry, when the price of oil is set by OPEC?
if it happened in any other industry, then it would be illegal under EU competition laws.

there will be no need for protests very soon, the economy will just grind to a halt.

asking for a 2.5ppl drop is [zb]ing ridiculous, it should be a 30ppl drop.

Listen, it won’t work, the price is the price, you need to put your rates up to reflect the price. Market forces will dictate the price of fuel & the price of road haulage, this is capitalism. The price of fuel goes up, the price of road haulage should go up, simple equation.


hate to say it ,but we should be like the french if a protest was to work, ive been stuck in a few over the years.

asking for a 2.5ppl drop is [zb]ing ridiculous, it should be a 30ppl drop.

and the phone would ring the next morning " Hello it’s here, I see your fuel price has dropped 30ppl, I need a substantial cut in the job rate! "

I bought a gallon of petrol in 1970… it only cost me 3 shillings and sixpence… (( that’s 3.85 pence per litre if anyone is curious ))

Hiya you was doing very very well… in 1966 when i had my first motorbike, petrol was 4 shillings and 11 pennies per gall.
in 1979 petrol had only gone up to 6 shillings and 9 pennies in old money. i can also say i was only earning £2and 8 shillings
a week as an aprentice for 40 hours in 1966… diesel was only 1 shilling and 9 pennies a gallon in 1966. it was’nt untill diesel
cars got a foot hold the price shot up high.

may be one monday morning all haulage companys should say we are not turning out this week, when you think about it by about wednesday/thursday the country would grind to halt, no fuel or food in the shops, may be then the government might want to sit down and listen to the haulage industry, the country can’t survive with out road haulage.

For what it’s worth,

my opinion is that the price of fuel is mostly due to the price charged by the organisations involved in trading crude oil.

Organisations like Shell, BP, OPEC, stock market speculators who buy oil 12 months in advance at for example $85 per barrel and want it sold in 12 months at $120 per barrel.

Our Government is hopeless and helpless against these guys because these guys are clever and our government is traditionally populated by idiots. The idiots need to get money from you and me so that they can waste it on stuff that makes them feel good and (they think) makes them look good, so they put a 60 odd % tax on something that nearly everybody has to buy nearly every day to pay for such projects.

If there is a blockade, then Joe Public will panic buy and the oil guys have a GREAT excuse to PUT THE PRICE UP at the pump. Once up it will take a long time to come down.

So, unless your blockades (the mood of which I am sympathetic towards) can actually HURT the big clever OIL GANG boys or the moronic politicians, all you will actually achieve is to get the general public against truckers (even more than they already are) and spend a lot of your own time and money (fuel to get there) on a fruitless exercise that might even keep the price of fuel up.

DONT FORGET - our politicians are MORONIC IDIOTS who could not care less about you or me or anybody else (except themselves).

However, good luck with whatever you do.

How much do full stops costs these days? Have they been priced out of the market?
…they’re even taxing them nowadays…


the opec countries are hikeing up the cost of crude. theyre passing the buck onto anyone who’s buying
Do you actually have any idea how much of the pump price of road fuel in UK is made up of taxation.

Hiya carryfast…yes i’ve worked at shell stanlow for the last 7 years i have finished now, but go back when they need me.

I cant believe most of you lot!!

You know that the Owner operators / Small Companies are so much priced out of the Market due to Fuel costs, You advise do not go Owner op etc etc

What a bunch of self righteous, brown tongue guys you seem to be

Get a Back bone and Fight for what you believe in what is right, but then again, you rather bend over and take the shafting from government and companies

The situation hasnt changed due to progressive governments always taxing fuel, its a proven fact that reduce tax at the pump and JOBS WILL BE GENERATED, and thus MORE Tax will be generated due to those jobs than would be generated by higher fuel taxes

I recon most of you didnt even hear about the Nigerian Fuel protests

Heres a thought for you guys, 1 guy can make a difference