Hi everyone once again were at that point again weve lost companies due to rising fuel costs and seen to many people reduced to poverty well enough is enough Fair fuel uk are lobbying for a 2.5p reduction in fuel which doesnt make much difference when the government wants a 3p rise fuel is already rising its gone up this week already as uve all seen on the news and at the services its sitting at £1.57 a ltr. I am part of a nationwide group against rising fuel costs and we are staging a serious of protests at Stanlow oil Refinery and Grangemouth Oil Refinery every Friday at 7pm we are also putting together a mass nationwide Protest where you will see a return to 2000 when there was go slows and panic buying etc, weve all had enough we want the Government to make fuel equal to europe where it is about £1.10 to £1.15 a ltr instead of lining there pockets. We have the support of the public now and also have the public and other group joining us, were looking for more support from more hauliers and other groups to make this successful so that were not paying through the nose and loosing our Industry to foriegn Companies theres to many foriegn trucks on our roads so join us and make a difference
Good luck
thanx mickyblue
Rallyman you obviously dont realise that lorry drivers cannot blockade anymore and that go slows only pee off other drivers and not the goverment, go and blockade downing street you muppet.
Now at easter?
The general public do not want to get stuck behind go slows and hear about blockades of oil refineries etc. Haulage has got a bad enough name as it is. As has been said above, don’t pi$$ off the general public, if you are to protest, do it somewhere that will hurt the guvmint.
In these times, even though its harsh to say… if your not covering you fuel costs, you doing it for the wrong rates. If you cant afford to run your car, get a smaller one or get a 100mpg 125cc motorbike. Rising fuel costs are a game, the game being how to work around them. Granted haulage companies can’t do much, but charge the right rates, sweat your assests and hope the others go to the wall.
Listen, it won’t work, the price is the price, you need to put your rates up to reflect the price. Market forces will dictate the price of fuel & the price of road haulage, this is capitalism. The price of fuel goes up, the price of road haulage should go up, simple equation.
Haulage rates increase = rise in price of goods carried by said haulier.
It’s easy really! If hauliers had fuel escalators built into their contracts! There won’t be a problem!
As for fuel protests! Are you waiting to see if the tanker drivers go on strike?
Don’t bother! Because if the fuel keeps going up we won’t be able to drive to work! And that is what the Greens want!! I’ll cycle to work then as the roads will be pretty quite!
Haulage rates increase = rise in price of goods carried by said haulier.
Quite true - but fuel is only a small part of the cost of most products. At one extreme think how many pots of yoghurt you can get in a trailer. Divide the cost of the fuel used and it comes to a minute amount.
Even where fuel is a larger part of the cost - take quarried stone for instance where the material is essentially free and the cost is made up of getting it out of the ground, processing and delivering it - doubling the cost of the fuel used would still only cause a small increase in the final cost.
The people who suffer are those who have a long commute and have no public transpot alternative.
Hiya its no use trying to stop fuel getting out of stanlow they can pump it all over the uk to differant places.
all the airports…blunsfield… grangemouth…theres about seven exits at stanlow they can use any of them if they like
just to confuse any blockades…fuel in france is a little less expensive than the UK… BUT you don’t get any govenment
medical help in france so fuel is more expensive if you work the price out that way.
the price per barrel in the opec countries are hikeing up the cost of crude. theyre passing the buck onto anyone who’s
bubsy06 calling people names does not give u excuse to be ignorant as for hauliers not being able to blockade or protest well its fear with them the people are sick of this government pushing them around we are being taxed to the hilts, 50p on business tax, VAT set to rise again, fuel rising just about every day now along with DLA being cut, child benefit being cut, gas costs rising, electricity still high, council tax rising, rent going up and not to mention food prices rising and the list is endless and they are trying to get us to use public transport with rail fares going up and bus fares rising well where do u stop but when u think about it wages arent rising to meet these costs, the tax payer bailed out the banks yes your tax and they see fit to pay thereselves big bonuses with no intention of paying the tax payer any of it back. In America when they bailed out the banks they were made to pay it back and they did our Government just let them waste our money, they go on about a deficit it has to be reduced so were taxed high but yet there still borrowing and giving our money away to bail out other countries while ours is fallen into a slump with high unemployment so when fuel is used as an easy way to make money out of us they forget the impact it has on the day to day life we have all gone back to when Thatcher was in power the rich got richer and the poor got poorer so now its time for us to turn the tides and show this government that we wont stand for it anymore we voted them into power so they work for us not the other way round.
So wot ur all saying is ur happy with wots going on in this country ur happy with being told how to live ur lifes ur happy with high unemployment and high crime levels, high living costs and no wage rise by the time ur ready to retire there wont be a pension scheme because there wont be nothing left because the government will have given it all away and it will be left to the next generation to sort it out.
How much do full stops costs these days? Have they been priced out of the market?
How much do full stops costs these days? Have they been priced out of the market?
He could do with the odd period, if he’s not on it already
ingnorance must be the way to be these days either that ur not educated.
When Joe Public park their cars across the gates of the refinery then Ill come and join in. Why leave it to the hauliers.
Its all I ever hear in the pub…" When are the lorry drivers gunna do summit!"
Well I want to see the Doctors, Bank clerks, Factory workers, Office monkeys etc etc man the barricades and “summit” for a bleeding change!
How much do full stops costs these days? Have they been priced out of the market?He could do with the odd period, if he’s not on it already
I half see his argument, but lets say fuel dropped to £0.50ppl tomorrow. Would it stop whats happening in the country? Nah, is the easy answer. The deficit would still be there to pay. The guvmit would be getting less from fuel so they’d still have to increase the tax. The NHS will still be costing billions more and the population would still be concentrating on paying down personal debt rather than make big ticket purchases. The cycle will go full circle eventually and the good times will be back, but a huge correction is needed first. Lets hope high oil prices will spur on development of alternative fuel vehicles.Electric motorbikes and cars etc. If the bankers are getting big bonuses then thats for them to decide.I am constantly told there is no money in haulage, yet I was in a hauliers yard on Tuesday and there were 4 directors cars, all new Range Rovers with private plates. This company either have a sensible buisness going, or they are headed for disaster.