Fuel protest start on Saturday!

Anyway, not having seen the news this evening, did any of the 8 people holding banners outside the refineries acheive anything?

The only thing they’re likely to achieve is catching colds. Lets face it, there’s not much we can realistically do about it at the present time :confused:


Anyway, not having seen the news this evening, did any of the 8 people holding banners outside the refineries acheive anything?

The only thing they’re likely to achieve is catching colds. Lets face it, there’s not much we can realistically do about it at the present time :confused:

all us proffesional drivers could select a date to have a week long cold and not be available for work a press release about the virus that only targets drivers and a cure which would be made public like a £10 an hour minimum wage
an opt out of the 48 hour week and 70p a litre for diseal as this thread has been talked about before but never acted on passive resistance is a winner :bulb: no wagon drivers no normal life the direct approach is the wrong way

There is a very simple answer to the high price of fuel, and that is to grant essential users a rebate.
To achive this without stinging the countries coffers too badly, it would work thus…Totally remove the duty charged on road fuels, but increase the VAT charged to say 30%, (figure not checked for accuracy, but bare with me) thus rendering the price Joe Public pays stays the same, however, essential users who are more often than not VAT registered could claim the VAT back and run on cheaper fuel, hey presto, everyones a winner!
Your comments please…

There is a very simple answer to the high price of fuel, and that is to grant essential users a rebate.
To achive this without stinging the countries coffers too badly, it would work thus…Totally remove the duty charged on road fuels, but increase the VAT charged to say 30%, (figure not checked for accuracy, but bare with me) thus rendering the price Joe Public pays stays the same, however, essential users who are more often than not VAT registered could claim the VAT back and run on cheaper fuel, hey presto, everyones a winner!
Your comments please…

VAT at 30% i vote you for chancellor NOT :laughing:

Personally I would scrap ALL road tax that would offset the fuel cost a litlle and bring in a road toll tax for foreign vehicles to use our roads the same as they do for us going into europe the protest did not amount to much but it did bring it to the attention of the media and as such has got it into the limelight.The protest needed more coverage than they got . I think that Transactiom 2007 should take the blame for not talking to the media they were scared of SPIN but why not use that to there advantage?I personally think that was the downfall you have to use ALL resources to get the message across that and the fact it was a week or so before xmas didn’t help.Bettr luck next time I say.

Isn’t it Switzerland that fine’s you if you bring in more than 100 litres into the country? Just get that running in the ports, and the 200k foreign vehicles on our roads will soon get the idea!!! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Why dont people just deal with the fact that us Brits get bummed off our government more than a specialist ■■■■ ■■■■ queen does off well hung blokes :blush:



I predict the demise of the large hauliers fleets, as they sub contract all their work out to OD’s and small fleets, taking a cut of the profit for no work and leaving the OD’s and small fleets to take the risk on fuel prices etc. That would return the industy to its right footing, the way it used to be before the suits got involved.
Bring it on!

Isn’t that rather hypocritcal of you? You are one of those ODs that’s running about for around a quid a mile !!!

If you lot would wake up and smell the coffee then there would be no reason to “return the industry to its right footing” because we wouldn’t be there. Thankfully the high price of fuel now is rapidly squeezing you lot out. Like you say - bring it on!

Hi Rob,
As if you’d know whether one pound a mile is realistic or not anyway, never having the where with all to have given it a go yourself.
Show me a large haulier who is making more than that, I would suggest that the larger the fleet, the smaller the profit per vehicle, being able to run on smaller margins due to massive turnover.
You’re just another who is brave enough to snipe at people who have the guts and vision to get out there and have a go. Anyway, haven’t you got to be up to drive agency for some supermarket early in the morning?!

Thankfully the high price of fuel now is rapidly squeezing you lot out. Like you say - bring it on!

On the contrary, I’ve never been so busy, like I said, larger hauliers are content with subbing work to me knowing that they will make on the job with no outlay or risk. The fuel price does bother me but once you understand you can’t do anything about it, you soon learn to live with it.

Fair play to you Tramper and good luck with your venture.

TBH though, I wouldn’t have wasted my breath on ‘PaulRobRebelKHoggard’, clearly a wind-up merchant. I can’t understand why, having been thrown out of a forum on so many occasions why you’d wanna keep coming back? Pretty sad IMO. :unamused: :unamused:

I’m with you Tramper.Owner drivers are the back bone of the industry.

The English have become spineless ■■■■■■■■ dependant on their authoritairian government.

You got this way because you believe working a forty hour week is all that is necessary ,provided you get four or five weeks vacation.You ALL need a serious reality check. You can blame the Government for your failing lifestyle, but you voted them in,you live in a democracy ,you got a government that is the product of your own laziness.
More importantly you live in a world wide economy,you share this world with people who have nothing,people who run rings around you to survive.I see them everyday. Don’t you understand that your children are the ones who will pay the price for your indifference.
I’m glad I don’t live there anymore despite the state of affairs in the US.I’m not sorry if I upset anyone, I hope your angry .

Winston Churchill must be spinning in his grave.


There is a very simple answer to the high price of fuel, and that is to grant essential users a rebate.
To achive this without stinging the countries coffers too badly, it would work thus…Totally remove the duty charged on road fuels, but increase the VAT charged to say 30%[/size], (figure not checked for accuracy, but bare with me) thus rendering the price Joe Public pays stays the same, however, essential users who are more often than not VAT registered could claim the VAT back and run on cheaper fuel, hey presto, everyones a winner!
Your comments please…
VAT at 30% i vote you for chancellor NOT :laughing:

Try reading what Tramper wrote and think about it :unamused:

Definately a good idea, but then foreign hauliers would be at a disadvantage, and we could’nt have that now could we :imp:

Big Joe:


There is a very simple answer to the high price of fuel, and that is to grant essential users a rebate.
To achive this without stinging the countries coffers too badly, it would work thus…Totally remove the duty charged on road fuels, but increase the VAT charged to say 30%[/size], (figure not checked for accuracy, but bare with me) thus rendering the price Joe Public pays stays the same, however, essential users who are more often than not VAT registered could claim the VAT back and run on cheaper fuel, hey presto, everyones a winner!
Your comments please…
VAT at 30% i vote you for chancellor NOT :laughing:
Try reading what Tramper wrote and think about it :unamused:

Definately a good idea, but then foreign hauliers would be at a disadvantage, and we could’nt have that now could we :imp:

or try this …Charge a “use tax” on commercial fuel,so if you fill up in luxembourg on the cheap it’s okay but at the end of the month you pay a surcharge based on mileage in the countries you used it,say France,and Germany or England.levels the playing field for truck companies.

and 30% tax would only apply to who after 6 months yep evry one me i love payin VAT for nothing

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: If your VAT registered, you effectively pay NO VAT! on business purchases. If however you are not VAT registered, there would be little or no difference to today, as there would be no duty levied on the fuel. Is it me or are most people thick! MERRY CHRISTMAS!