Fuel protest start on Saturday!

It must have been successful, not a mention on the news :wink:

Stanley Knife:

Edward Teller:
Reading the Mail this morning the powers that be are apparently threatening to revoke the Driving Licences (it did not specifically say HGV licence) of any lorry driver taking part, and also to bring in the “military”.

Curious to know how they can do this if you’ve not broken the law :question:


You dont need to break the law. An HGV licence is vocational and can be revoked at any time for whatever reason.

Quotes from the BBC:

Around eight protesters gathered at Chester Services, on the M56, before moving to a protest point at the gates of the Ellesmere Port refinery, but the demonstration was later abandoned.

There were no lorry drivers at the fuel depot at Purfleet, Essex, where a demonstration was due to be staged - but there was a protest from a lone pensioner.

There were eight supporters who turned out for the Cardiff protest

There were also some eight protesters at Jarrow - all on foot

Sooo… out of the “10,000” people ready to be mobilised for this protest… about 25 turned up.
And the report from transaction2007:

the number of protesters in many parts of the country was lower than anticipated.

Such a shame :frowning:


Looking at the various sites there seems to be an awful lot of people saying something along the lines of ‘I’m 100% behind the protestors.’

Not many actually going to turn up.

Just lots of people ‘behind’.

Marvellous stuff. I think they’ll all do a tremendous amount of good and we’ll all be paying 50p a litre in a week or two. :confused: :unamused:

:smiley: :laughing: :wink:

I’m not really sure what the answer is for less tax. New Government, perhaps?

That said, I do believe however, that pricing fuel so high to make people really question whether they need to use the car is a good idea. Just look around the roads - bloody great 4-litre plus Range Rovers, X5s, Q7s, Cayennes, Cherokees and so on, generally with a sole occupant. Barely managing 20mpg - probably much less the way most are driven.

Maybe if people were intelligent enough to understand that driving style can really affect how much fuel you use, they might save a few quid. Or - buy something more economical. :bulb:

Crude is a finite resource - I see it getting much dearer yet.

according to aol news fawley had the biggest turnout,but did they stop anything leaving the depot?.

havent had much chance to check as watching WBA & charlton,at least they are on the way UP eh jonboy.


Stanley Knife:
[There’d only be about 5 in Parliament.

That many :open_mouth:

Your’e just too nice Stan :wink:

■■■■ - there I go again, letting my nice side out.

Have to cut that out.


Quotes from the BBC:

Around eight protesters gathered at Chester Services, on the M56, before moving to a protest point at the gates of the Ellesmere Port refinery, but the demonstration was later abandoned.

There were no lorry drivers at the fuel depot at Purfleet, Essex, where a demonstration was due to be staged - but there was a protest from a lone pensioner.

There were eight supporters who turned out for the Cardiff protest

There were also some eight protesters at Jarrow - all on foot

Sooo… out of the “10,000” people ready to be mobilised for this protest… about 25 turned up.
And the report from transaction2007:

the number of protesters in many parts of the country was lower than anticipated.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Yet another complete wash-out, exactly as expected. Maybe all the wannabe world-changers will now stfu and realise that it’s never gonna happen and quit posting their petitioning, blockading, go-slowing, striking, work-to-ruling rubbish all over these forums.

Since 2000, effective protest has been rendered illegal (free country?.. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: )
However, it would seem to me to that should every commercial vehicle driver in the UK happen to take their summer holiday entitlement on the same fortnight, it would have a very similar effect, and taking holiday entitlement has not been classified as illegal…yet.
As well as the traffic jams on the M5 with folks heading to Cornwall of course. :unamused:

Since 2000, effective protest has been rendered illegal (free country?.. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: )
However, it would seem to me to that should every commercial vehicle driver in the UK happen to take their summer holiday entitlement on the same fortnight, it would have a very similar effect. As well as the traffic jams on the M5 with folks heading to Cornwall of course. :unamused:

I think that if every single commercial driver attempted to take his holiday entitlement in the same fortnight, every single TM would be refusing to grant holiday left right and centre. :unamused:


Since 2000, effective protest has been rendered illegal (free country?.. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: )
However, it would seem to me to that should every commercial vehicle driver in the UK happen to take their summer holiday entitlement on the same fortnight, it would have a very similar effect. As well as the traffic jams on the M5 with folks heading to Cornwall of course. :unamused:

I think that if every single commercial driver attempted to take his holiday entitlement in the same fortnight, every single TM would be refusing to grant holiday left right and centre. :unamused:

However if every single commercial driver phoned in sick on the same day… :wink:

:unamused: Yeah, I forgot some of you work for other people, thats one of the problems with large concerns, although if everyone told thier TM to shove it unless they’re holiday requests were granted…but that would take balls… & that’ll never happen.
Lets face it, fuel is never going to get any cheaper, theres less & less of it around every day, so get used to the fact that the price is going to keep rising, the duty charged is never going to be reduced, since the smoking ban its about the only money earner the governments got left.
The best case senario …
I predict the demise of the large hauliers fleets, as they sub contract all their work out to OD’s and small fleets, taking a cut of the profit for no work and leaving the OD’s and small fleets to take the risk on fuel prices etc. That would return the industy to its right footing, the way it used to be before the suits got involved.
Bring it on!

I predict the demise of the large hauliers fleets, as they sub contract all their work out to OD’s and small fleets, taking a cut of the profit for no work and leaving the OD’s and small fleets to take the risk on fuel prices etc. That would return the industy to its right footing, the way it used to be before the suits got involved.
Bring it on!

Isn’t that rather hypocritcal of you? You are one of those ODs that’s running about for around a quid a mile !!!

If you lot would wake up and smell the coffee then there would be no reason to “return the industry to its right footing” because we wouldn’t be there. Thankfully the high price of fuel now is rapidly squeezing you lot out. Like you say - bring it on!

If you lot would wake up and smell the coffee then there would be no reason to “return the industry to its right footing” because we wouldn’t be there. Thankfully the high price of fuel now is rapidly squeezing you lot out. Like you say - bring it on!

Whats with this ‘you lot’ Rebel? are you a vocational driver? sounds more like a disgruntled car driver :confused:

“You lot” are the artic ODs that are driving about for silly money, like anything under £1.75 per mile, which is the vast majority of them. And yes, I am a car driver, just like everyone else! I also happen to drive trucks most days of the week too!

“You lot” are the artic ODs that are driving about for silly money, like anything under £1.75 per mile, which is the vast majority of them

why are so many people on this forum concerned with what ownerdrivers earn.i frankley couldnt give a toss what ownerdrivers earn if they can live on what they earn fair play to em and besides that what bussiness is it of anybody else what they earn.

Seems too many people are here to divide the community rather than work together.


I predict the demise of the large hauliers fleets, as they sub contract all their work out to OD’s and small fleets, taking a cut of the profit for no work and leaving the OD’s and small fleets to take the risk on fuel prices etc. That would return the industy to its right footing, the way it used to be before the suits got involved.
Bring it on!

Isn’t that rather hypocritcal of you? You are one of those ODs that’s running about for around a quid a mile !!!

If you lot would wake up and smell the coffee then there would be no reason to “return the industry to its right footing” because we wouldn’t be there. Thankfully the high price of fuel now is rapidly squeezing you lot out. Like you say - bring it on!

Hi Rob,
As if you’d know whether one pound a mile is realistic or not anyway, never having the where with all to have given it a go yourself.
Show me a large haulier who is making more than that, I would suggest that the larger the fleet, the smaller the profit per vehicle, being able to run on smaller margins due to massive turnover.
You’re just another who is brave enough to snipe at people who have the guts and vision to get out there and have a go. Anyway, haven’t you got to be up to drive agency for some supermarket early in the morning?!

Thankfully the high price of fuel now is rapidly squeezing you lot out. Like you say - bring it on!

On the contrary, I’ve never been so busy, like I said, larger hauliers are content with subbing work to me knowing that they will make on the job with no outlay or risk. The fuel price does bother me but once you understand you can’t do anything about it, you soon learn to live with it.

Seems too many people are here to divide the community rather than work together.

Community? what community? I have no interest in working together with anyone, I am in this to make a comfortable living, which we do by being reliable and by working hard.

Anyway, not having seen the news this evening, did any of the 8 people holding banners outside the refineries acheive anything?

Denis F:
don’t need blockades, there’s already a shortage in the SW, apparently trouble getting the fuel off a ship somewhere!

no diesel at Shell or BP around Okehampton today :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

have the same trouble up here hate to go down the conspiracy theory route BUT why this week shortages before the protest . :question: never happened before at this time of year the storage tanks in the refinererys are usually full :exclamation: the boats not in yet :question: WHAT this country hasnt got any fuel reserve :question: my opinion (and only mine) is the goverment is a bit more prepared for picketing truckers than they were at the last big protest and public opinion is what GORD is going for this protest is a battle in a war that was lost when the last campaigners backed down . it gave the goverment time to do a COBRA battleplan change laws to suit and outlaw any embarassing actions to take place again . apart from that if duty was reduced on fuel we d pay for it in otheir ways :question: