Fuel gauges?

Apparently as legend says if the picture of the fuel pump is on the left then your tank is on the left.


Is it true in Lorries or is it all a myth?.

not too sure in trucks, i have not been in every single make, but i do know that it is NOT true in cars :wink:

and a certain car manufacturer that it is not true with, also make trucks :wink: :wink:

I always thought (in cars) that on the picture of the pump, the side the arm is on is the side your filler cap is on. Is that right? I’ve bored many a person with that bit of trivia, I’l be gutted if it’s not right…

In our car Pug 406 gauge on left filler cap on right

Doesnt work with my Scanny as got twin tanks!!!
Works on the Audi A6 though

its true in both my maxda mx5 and ford ka but i know its not true in all cars

It’s true in my Jag too. Not only that but there’s a discreet little arrow too. :stuck_out_tongue:

Mrs D’s C-max has the guage in the middle but that also has an arrow. Which is handy cos whenever i drive it there only seems to be fumes left in the tank. Funny that eh? :unamused:

Not true in the truck tho.

Not true in my merc s500. It doesnt have a petrol pump on it, it has a picture of an oil rig.LOL

hoax-slayer.com/fuel-tank-fi … cret.shtml


doesnt work in my old series2a landy cos its twin underseat tanks :smiley:

Doesnt work on my Triumph Trophy motorbike either, fuel guage is on the right and the filler is on the left!!!


Was true in my old BMW 1 Series, and the Audi. But not in my MG. Shame as I thought it was a cute idea when I first heard it but sadly it doesn’t work :frowning:

Doesnt work on my Triumph Trophy motorbike either, fuel guage is on the right and the filler is on the left!!!


That`s so that you can ride it side-saddle without stabilisers :laughing:

just make sure you do not put diesel in it … :laughing:
Settled in ok have we ? :arrow_right: :wink:

Meanwhile while I was in the pub :laughing:

Must still be there ,
hasn`t bitten and replied yet :laughing:

tanks on both sides of my truck
it works for my car though

i got tanks on both sides of my car. still only holds 60 litres though :laughing:

It’s not on the same side as the tank on my truck, but I looked in my girlfriends car at the weekend (Kia Ceed) and although the symbols not on the the same side there’s a little arrow that points to the side where the filler cap is, nevr noticed it til this thread came up :smiley:

Always remember when driving a mate’s car, we had to get some petrol.
As we pulled into the garage I said to him…Is the filler cap on your side?

he replied

Well it has always been supportive :laughing: :laughing:

Its exhaust that are opposite side to the filler caps :wink: