Fuel Consumption

fly sheet:

Here it is in picture form.

:sunglasses: I’ll keep me eyes peeled, although last thurs night you wouldn’t wanted to have socialised with me for to long cuz I woz mingn :neutral_face: , had one of those days and had to forgo calling at home for a shower :grimacing:

Mind you, they have some that average 4, and we shall see how it does with winter fuel. Bet that drops off then.

I could never get anyone over here to admit that but I’m sure it happens over here. The week we go onto winter fuel the economy drops :frowning:

Alvis Stalwart, 4mpg on petrol!

The worst I’ve had by far was an F16 Volvo, I had it down in the 3’s :cry: I had a limiter fitted to it before I had to and had it set at 90kms rather than 60mph, it was a little better, but still needed a tailwind to break 7mpg.

The best, a 124 400 Scania, I was running just under 40t out and backloading at 32t, UK only and that averaged just over 9mpg week in week out :wink:

fh 440 08 on hiab work 7.2mpg, average since new.

The 3 “permanent trucks” I’ve had"-all 6 wheel tippers
N-reg Foden 3000 series 275 ■■■■■■■ about 6.5mpg (8 speed crash box)
S-reg Foden 4000 series Cat 340 7.5mpg (8 speed crash box)
54-reg Foden Alpha Cat 345 9.8mpg (12 speed)

Volvo fm 460 always loaded (empty modules outbound gross weight 24480kg,fully loaded gross weight 40500kg) getting av 9 mpg,boss seems happy so must be better than our MAN’s tga 440 :unamused:

Depends on how you drive. At one place, me and another bloke used to do a night trunk to west London - identical route, identical load and trucks (you got what was there and usually not the same truck two nights in a row). We set off at the same time. He bombed off, racing up to everything and braking hard and taking it up near the limiter on every gearchange. I drove in the green and rolled up to stuff, trying to time it so I didn’t need to stop. Difference in journey time from Hull to London was 5 minutes. On the monthly performance charts he got 7MPG and I got 9. I was using 40 litres a night less.