So far as I can tell the best fit for me, a single vehicle fleet (hurrah) would either be the FTA card, or the UKFuels Truck One. The FTA is a small fee per year, after initial year, the UKFuels is free but with a minimum spend per month…
They both appear to have similar coverage, support, and software perks.
But, proof of the pudding is always in the eating. So has anyone had experience of either? Thoughts? Ta… ■■■
The uk fuels will charge you at 12 months
Fuelgenie is a handy card to have, pay the pump price at Morisons, Tesco and Sainsburys , what you use in July you would pay on the 15th August and they dont charge you for the card and theres no minimum spend
Got my first ‘fuel price’ notification from Key Fuels today. Their ppl after VAT is about 3 pence more expensive than my local supermarket… 
With most fuel card providers the price they give you depends on various things such as how long you have been trading, if your a sole trader or a limited company and even down to how much you use a month. you tend to get a favourable price if you use more then 5000 ltrs a month
Got my first ‘fuel price’ notification from Key Fuels today. Their ppl after VAT is about 3 pence more expensive than my local supermarket… 
Thats why i use fuelgenie and fill up at morissons more than anywhere else
Got my first ‘fuel price’ notification from Key Fuels today. Their ppl after VAT is about 3 pence more expensive than my local supermarket… 
I must get 2 fuel card calls a day ,I use credit card for fuel its much better ,I get really pi$$ed off with these callers ,if the job was that bad I needed to save 3 pence per litre on fuel I’d sell up , I think for me the way to go is get a bulk tank in the garage purely for convenience .
Punchy Dan:
Got my first ‘fuel price’ notification from Key Fuels today. Their ppl after VAT is about 3 pence more expensive than my local supermarket… 
I must get 2 fuel card calls a day ,I use credit card for fuel its much better ,I get really pi$$ed off with these callers ,if the job was that bad I needed to save 3 pence per litre on fuel I’d sell up , I think for me the way to go is get a bulk tank in the garage purely for convenience .
3ppl X 4000 ltrs = £120 a week X 48 weeks = £5760 NET straight onto your bottom line, just for an hours “fun” every Monday…easy money 
Credit cards are great, I agree, but if you have drivers it isn’t so easy to let them loose with your card