Friendly supermarkets

i’ve seen plenty of artics parked up on the supermarket car parks near to here.
i’d think we would be better accepted if we took our rubbish away instead of just chucking it on the floor,which must really ■■■■ the trolley staff off…and taking a pee all over the bits i have to fix is risky in a public car park too.

in fact why don’t supermarkets let us park there and charge a small fee or give you free parking if you’ve topped up on supplies or fuel.they are missing out on something there surely.i know they don’t want trucks there during the day but at night it could make them some could fuel up,top up on food and then park up for the night on the proviso thet you bugger off by 6am.leaving the car park free for all the normal people. :laughing:

going on what motorway service area’s smell like-that may be the problem though.

you could fuel up,top up on food and then park up for the night on the proviso thet you bugger off by 6am.leaving the car park free for all the normal people. :laughing:

Normal people are going to supermarket at 6 am? :open_mouth:

tesco in Yeovil have 2 HGV marked spaces just as you exit the ring road, They are just before the delivery entrance though and may be for tesco trucks. No signs to say that though.
I stopped for about 15 min with no problems

Also Morrisons in Dundee have a large entrance road with a roundabout plenty of room there.

Tesco in Carnforth, i asked the security guard if OK to park overnight and he said as long as you’re gone before we open no problem.

Somerfield in Banff is next to a parking area alongside the river cars in day trucks allowed at night

Co-op in Langholm on A7 dont mind you stopping for shopping, never parked overnight there though its only about 5min drive to nice official parking area alongside the river

in fact why don’t supermarkets let us park there and charge a small fee or give you free parking if you’ve topped up on supplies or fuel.they are missing out on something there surely.i know they don’t want trucks there during the day but at night it could make them some could fuel up,top up on food and then park up for the night on the proviso thet you bugger off by 6am.leaving the car park free for all the normal people. :laughing:


  • Planning permission - they probably need different planning permission to operate as a “truckstop” instead of a “supermarket”. The amount of hassle involved in getting it probably means that it’s not worth the effort.
  • Some truckers leaving the place in a state - you only have to look at MSAs and other laybys to see why.
  • Damage to the car park surface - a supermarket car park probably isn’t built to handle the weight of trucks on a regular basis and would need frequent repairs if it were used regularly. Again, look at the surface of many MSA truck parks.
  • Damage to other parts of the car park - once they declare it open for truck parking, they’ll get damage to kerbs, etc. by lazy drivers who can’t be bothered to take the corners properly, and others who will try to squeeze in to spaces that don’t exist like parking on the grass.
  • Objections from the local NIMBYs who don’t want these big juggernauts thundering down their local roads to the supermarket. Face facts - the supermarket is more interested in keeping the local residents on-side than visiting truckers, because the residents will spend much more money per square metre of parking space.