Frieghtsafe adr training

im looking to resit my adr course,which,if i do the whole course again will give me 21 hours towards my cpc.the company im looking at are called freightsafe,who operate local to where i live(bonus)and charge just under £600 quid.
does anyone know if this sounds about right.

p.s.freightsafe say that if i only do my refresher it won`t count towards my cpc…is this true.


AFAIK a refresher counts as only 7hrs DCPC …*calling DD…

I did the full course with Doncaster trades last year (sited behind the IKEA depot off J4), as they are a charidee they charge no VAT on courses, but the price they charged was similar to the price you quoted, but course/exam/DCPC upload, lunch and refreshments where included in the price

hmm interesting…i was hoping that a refresher would count something towards cpc,then i could possibly renew my moffet or even do hiab for the rest of myy cpc hours.
that way,im getting more for my dough if you see what i mean. the £600 quid ive been quoted does cover everything…exam,sarnies etc,but it just seems a bit daft having to sit the whole thing again

im looking to resit my adr course,which,if i do the whole course again will give me 21 hours towards my cpc.the company im looking at are called freightsafe,who operate local to where i live(bonus)and charge just under £600 quid.
does anyone know if this sounds about right.

Hi commonrail,

Freightsafe’s price seems about right for the “whole course,” but are you including the tanker module??
If the tanker module isn’t included, then £600 seems a bit dear.

p.s.freightsafe say that if i only do my refresher it won`t count towards my cpc…is this true.

It could be true, because it’s the provider’s decision as to whether they pay JAUPT for approval for a course, or part of a course.
This is not automatic and will instead be a commercial decision based on the uptake.

For instance, it is possible to get 7 DCPC hours for an initial tanker module (not a refresher) but most of the providers I know haven’t bothered to register that with JAUPT because of the low uptake. From my experience, I’d say that if there’s a class of 10 people for Core, Packs and seven Classes, then only 3 or 4 will stay to take the tanker module. Based on that, there’s no economic sense in a provider registering the tanker module for DCPC hours with JAUPT.

hmm interesting…i was hoping that a refresher would count something towards cpc,then i could possibly renew my moffet or even do hiab for the rest of myy cpc hours.
that way,im getting more for my dough if you see what i mean. the £600 quid ive been quoted does cover everything…exam,sarnies etc,but it just seems a bit daft having to sit the whole thing again

Hi commonrail,

It might seem a bit daft, but could you honestly handle a refresher course?

What I mean by this is… have you been kept up-to-date with the changes to ADR that have taken place since you last passed the exams?
:bulb: When you consider this, please bear in mind that the two thick ADR books are completely reprinted and republished every two years AND that a refresher course comes at you in slightly less than HALF the time of an intitial course. :open_mouth:

For this reason, my advice to everybody with refresher entitlement is to take an initial course as a refresher candidate. To do this, simply take your present ADR certificate to an initial ADR course and tell the instructor that you’re a refresher candidate. It’s that simple.
This means that you get continuity of your ADR licence AND any unused portion of your present certificate is automatically added to your new ADR certificate, so you get to carry on working immediately after your course and you don’t lose any entitlement. You also get a course that you’re more likely to pass, because it comes at you at a more comfortable speed.
:bulb: Statistically, there are far more failed exams on refresher courses.

For all that stress and effort, you can only get a maximum of seven DCPC hours for a refresher from some providers, so TBH, I can’t see any good reason to recommend a refresher course. From a teaching point of view, I don’t like teaching a refresher course, because IMHO the timescale puts far too much stress on the candidates.

To check whether you’re eligible for a refresher, please check the date at the bottom right hand corner of your present ADR certificate.
You must be within the last year of validity.
There cannot be less than five weeks validity remaining.

AFAIK a refresher counts as only 7hrs DCPC …*calling DD…

I did the full course with Doncaster trades last year (sited behind the IKEA depot off J4), as they are a charidee they charge no VAT on courses, but the price they charged was similar to the price you quoted, but course/exam/DCPC upload, lunch and refreshments where included in the price

Hi peirre,

If a person isn’t able to reclaim V.A.T. then an ADR course without it has to be a good deal. :smiley:

I’d say that £600ish fully inclusive is a good price, so IMHO you were on a winner!!

thanx for the info dd
the course i have been quoted for does include the tanker module,so you reckon £600 quid is par for the course :question:
my adr runs out in july this year so i would be entitled to sit refresher.
my original plan was to sit the refresher…i thought you would get some hours towards cpc but obviously not as many as you would if you resat the whole thing.i was hoping maybe 7 hours for £200 quid,then with the £400 quid i had saved i could redo my moffet or hiab which would get me the 14 hours needed to get full cpc(already have 14).
so you see i would be getting my cpc hours but would have moffet/hiab aswell as a new adr ticket…do you know what i mean :question: current adr ticket does not incorperate the tanker module,so will i be able to sit the intial course in a refresher capacity like you suggested.
i`m only guessing at the numbers at the moment,so if anyone knows the exact figures,i would be interested to know.

thanx for the info dd
the course i have been quoted for does include the tanker module,so you reckon £600 quid is par for the course :question:
my adr runs out in july this year so i would be entitled to sit refresher.

Hi commonrail,

Yes, £600 including the tanker module sounds ok to me if the V.A.T. and exam fees are included.

my original plan was to sit the refresher…i thought you would get some hours towards cpc but obviously not as many as you would if you resat the whole thing.i was hoping maybe 7 hours for £200 quid,then with the £400 quid i had saved i could redo my moffet or hiab which would get me the 14 hours needed to get full cpc(already have 14).
so you see i would be getting my cpc hours but would have moffet/hiab aswell as a new adr ticket…do you know what i mean :question: current adr ticket does not incorperate the tanker module,so will i be able to sit the intial course in a refresher capacity like you suggested.
i`m only guessing at the numbers at the moment,so if anyone knows the exact figures,i would be interested to know.

I’m not sure whether you already know this, but the tanker module is optional.
You can still just take the Core, Packages and seven Classes as a refresher candidate if you want, this would probably get you 21 DCPC hours.
Optionally, you can take the tanker module, although I’d advise against this if you’re not likely to get some tanker work or there’s no DCPC hours as an option.
If you decide to take the tanker module in addition to your refresher, then that’s perfectly possible.
However, you CANNOT add an initial tanker module if you’re attending a refresher course.
On a refresher course, you can ONLY refresh what you presently have.

You only need a tanker module for a road tanker (fixed tank) >1,000 liters capacity OR a tank container >3,000 liters capacity. Just about everything else that you could be asked to transport will be covered by your ‘packages’ module anyway, and this includes ‘bulk transport’ such as loose (unpackaged) loads in tippers and skips.

The packages module also covers the carriage of any number of IBCs of any size/type.
= within the following size range:

400kg <3,000kg for solids OR >450L <3,000L for liquids.

It’s fair to say that an ADR refresher course is usually cheaper than an initial course, but please remember that it’s far more fraught than an initial course.

interesting…i can rule out tanks,coz ive no experience in tanker i dont need it.the only reason im renewing my adr is coz it gets me cpc hours. the way i see it is,if i have to sit so many hours to get cpc then i might as well come out with as many tickets as rather than spend 600 bar on a ticket i already have....why not use the cash for something else :question: after all,you say a refresher will be alot cheaper than the full adr...7 hours cpc... cash spare for other cpc qualifing courses eg hiab. you say the exam is tough,i cant agree,if youve listened to what the bloke says..its childs play…surely

… you say the exam is tough,i cant agree,if youve listened to what the bloke says…it`s childs play…surely

Hi commonrail,

My comment about the refresher exam fail rate is based on statistics, but it clearly doesn’t apply to everybody.
Sometimes, I read the feedback sheets before handing them to the boss.
The sheets have a question about duration/pace, and the comment is almost always… “wish there was more time allowed” or “the tutor was speaking too fast” etc. Whatever the comment, the guys have to appreciate that there’s a syllabus and a timetable, so I’m a sitting duck when it comes to feedback after a refresher course. :frowning:

I completely agree with your logic about getting as many useful tickets as possible though.
However, if the ADR provider you have chosen doesn’t offer 7 DCPC hours for a refresher, then you may have to choose another provider. If you need some alternatives, please shout up but please say how far you’re prepared to travel.

My comment about the refresher exam fail rate is based on statistics, but it clearly doesn’t apply to everybody.
Sometimes, I read the feedback sheets before handing them to the boss.
The sheets have a question about duration/pace, and the comment is almost always… “wish there was more time allowed” or “the tutor was speaking too fast” etc. Whatever the comment, the guys have to appreciate that there’s a syllabus and a timetable, so I’m a sitting duck when it comes to feedback after a refresher course. :frowning:

Remember when me and Lee G met up with you one night and you ran through a bit of it with us, you did fine then :wink:

Hi peirre,

If a person isn’t able to reclaim V.A.T. then an ADR course without it has to be a good deal. :smiley:

I’d say that £600ish fully inclusive is a good price, so IMHO you were on a winner!!

Unfortunately I am VAT registered, & can claim the VAT back.
However because of their charidee status I wasn`t able to claim anything back :frowning:
Claiming the VAT back on the £600 course cost would have saved me *£100ish! and the course would have cost me only £500 ish

*I wonder how long it will be before someone tries to tell me it isn`t £100 I can claim back.
when the VAT fraction on 20% VAT rate is one sixth of the gross amount


My comment about the refresher exam fail rate is based on statistics, but it clearly doesn’t apply to everybody.
Sometimes, I read the feedback sheets before handing them to the boss.
The sheets have a question about duration/pace, and the comment is almost always… “wish there was more time allowed” or “the tutor was speaking too fast” etc. Whatever the comment, the guys have to appreciate that there’s a syllabus and a timetable, so I’m a sitting duck when it comes to feedback after a refresher course. :frowning:

Remember when me and Lee G met up with you one night and you ran through a bit of it with us, you did fine then :wink:

Hi Stu,

That didn’t come at you at refresher speed, because a refresher assumes that candidates have some previous knowledge. :wink: