any body know what the letters mean in the green squares on the side of some fridge trailers
if you mean the green square with a letter
in the middle this is the Italian method of
identifying those vehicles officially allowed to drive
in the period of any driving ban , when driving
in Italy,
any one can get this if they have submitted
a application and it has been excepted and
issued ,
WE used to have it pasted on our tankers
when we were delivering to a customer
down southern Italy by Naples, when the summer
driving ban was on, Our customer in Italy helped
us to get the permits required,
I think and I do stand to be corrected by greater minds they are some type of permit for Italy.
thanks for that
I think its a letter “d” standing for whatever the italian word for dispensation is…probably something like dispensazioni …ish
It’s not just a ‘d’ I think they alternate between a, b, c & d, I don’t know if that’s for different products or on different years.
I think its a letter “d” standing for whatever the italian word for dispensation is…probably something like dispensazioni …ish
I forgot it, but they use it on food tankers too, especially milk. I think it is something to do with Sunday and domestic
andy best:
any body know what the letters mean in the green squares on the side of some fridge trailers
Hi Andy, I think you mean the green sign that has a lowercase “d” on it??
brit pete is bang on the money. It’s an Italian permit system that allows for Sunday running, usually for those carrying perishables, when trucks are otherwise banned.
IIRC, the small letter “d” stands for domenica, the Italian word for ‘Sunday.’
I always reckoned it stood for when they'd get around to doing some work, because .... _**d**omani_ = tomorrow. :grimacing:
Anybody who has done Italy will know what I mean.
As well as the ‘d’, which is explained by dieseldave above, you will also see a black a on a green square, again this an Italian thing and stands for ‘alimentari’ which shows the vehicle is carrying foodstuffs
spot on lads cheers