French Eco tax

Seen on some topics people talking and asking questions about the above.
I have found this site , it is of the people that are going to be controlling it.
Lots of useful information on it , like who to contact regarding the box, exemptions, how to pay, billing etc .
It is a French site but you can click on the Union Jack flag, top right, so you will be able to get the information in English.
I only browsed over it briefly as I’m on my and its a bit tedious to read it all on a small screen, will have to have a closer look when I get home next week.
Found out why Brittanny are getting a 40% reduction, for those that were wondering, it’s because there are no Autoroutes in the region. Lots of other useful info in there I suppose.
Hope it helps anybody that was wanting to know more about the tax. I get the impression that it starts this Autumn. As I said haven’t read it thoroughly

the funny thing is they have called it the SHT il put money us English will call it the ■■■■ box

As i have said in other posts the UK was going to do the same a few years ago but shelved their plans, it was a black box in all vehicles and the user would be charged for peak time travel, and reduced rates for quiet roads ,by a GPS system and get billed for the use of congested roads.
But the French are ahead and have it in place so they can charge the foreign trucks using and damaging their roads.The UK is behind the times and always will be. :grimacing: