Freezing mornings

The temp gauge pic was one of mine, wasn’t it, Mark?

Hi Rob. No it was in Vegreville last year. It was when i worked at BF with you though. I’m certainly glad to be off flat deck work now with the winter coming!

Are there still people old enough to remember Fahrenheit?. Jeez I thought that went out with Noahs Ark.

3c here this morning.

The Highway Man:
It was -5 at Shap yesterday, the gritters are out tonight in ■■■■■■■■ with snow ploughs fitted. They’re expecting heavy snowfall from 3am onwards, I know, don’t ask, I don’t know how they can pinpoint the time either

I’ve been reliably informed that it started snowing at 3am in ■■■■■■■■ do the gritter drivers have crystal balls in their undercrackers■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


If you have some pics like that when the mirror heater is not working in those conditions may I have them please for educating car drivers - seriously

Obviously to be taken when the handbrake is on :slight_smile:

its minus 3 near here…just got in from pulling 3 diffrent numpties from 2 diffrent ditches and 1 hedge/roundabout…all 3 didnt have coats on…1 said to me as they got in my spec lift… “cor am i glad to get in here in the warm i am freezing” btw they did look very white from the cold…havent seen any gritters tonight on the A14…
watch out in the morning on the dock spur roundabout as its very slippery there…thats where 1 of the cars was


Is there any chance to view that links for non-windows users?


Sorry guys but you asked for it!

Sorry wire but I kicked your arse with this I think :laughing:


The temp gauge pic was one of mine, wasn’t it, Mark?

Hi Rob. No it was in Vegreville last year. It was when i worked at BF with you though. I’m certainly glad to be off flat deck work now with the winter coming!

the differance is over here and it gets to -3 and an inch of snow the whole country grinds to a halt. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: yesterday i came across the m65 and the local radio had about 40 school closures. :unamused:

Do any truck manufacturers have the option of a heated front screen like cars?

I smell a rat. Where have you been since you got your Pete that is that cold Mercman? Is that a windup?

As for heated screens, i dont know if they work very well here. The airflow can be so cold that the snow is dry and blows straight off the windscreen unless there is any heat source (such as if you were unwise enough to allow warmth from the demisters to contact it) where upon the snow turns back to moisture and makes big ice formations on the wiper arms which build up until the wipers stop working altogether.

On the way out to the M/E in the Winter of 1982,I noticed the weather getting colder as there were more trucks on the hard shoulder of the autobahn in Germany than I’ve ever seen before.Then I noticed that although it was warm in my cab,there was ice on the inside of my drivers side window.
Parked up on the motorway South of Prague and after a couple of hours the night heater froze up.Spent the night sleeping in the motel reception.Outside temperature was minus 36 C!

Hi Ian, is that a very young looking Alan Jones there :confused: ? if it is he had his monies worth out of that M.A.N. jacket, :laughing: I am sure that he still had it in 1984.
I just happen to have a picture of the slip road leading up to the end of the motorway south of Prague either January 81 / 82 :confused: . It was the first year that the motorway was extended fron Brno. Do you remember those fences that they put up to stop the snow from drifting across the road ? , they were as efficient as a chocolate fireguard. :unamused:

The camera never lies Wire! Temp guages do though :laughing: that was in Wyoming heading into a fierce wind from the north, the guage was bouncing around between -30 & -50, it wasn’t that cold in reality, around -15 but the wind chill & the fact that I was doing 70mph combined to bring it down to that, I had to put my winter front on to keep the engine at temperature, not the genuine article like yours though, but watch this space :laughing:

No point us having a competition anyway as Rob’s on the ice again this winter & he’ll show us up, he’s welcome to it too, I had 24c in Tennessee last week, much more to my liking :sunglasses:

But just think, Mark and Mark, while you are stuck in traffic at 30 deg in California, I will be in a place where the only vehicle for 50 miles is likely to be mine. I will be in a situation where the logbook is non existant and the chances of meeting DOT or RCMP are fairly remote. (Although the OPP were out in force last year waiting for us on the way out of the bush)

When I decide to park up, I can light a fire and cook the prairie chickens I shoot, and watch the Northern Lights in a way most will never see them. (or I can light the gas stove and make coffe because the weather is turning and I want to get the hell out of dodge before it does). Then, of course, there are the other gourmet meals that I prepare by putting the cans in the passenger footwell to get hot!

It wouldn’t put you to shame anyway. It’s a completely different world up there.

Remembering how awful -5 can feel in the UK, they have my sympathy. -30 is quite tame here. Tomorrow is likely to be bad as the qind is set to pick up again and it’s -15 here now. they say the windchill will be -29 and that, without a doubt, is the pits.



Is there any chance to view that links for non-windows users?

Sorry mate, I’ve been trying to look through those pictures for years, seems its a M$ Windoze only zone!



Hi Ian, is that a very young looking Alan Jones there :confused: ? if it is he had his monies worth out of that M.A.N. jacket, :laughing: I am sure that he still had it in 1984.
I just happen to have a picture of the slip road leading up to the end of the motorway south of Prague either January 81 / 82 :confused: . It was the first year that the motorway was extended fron Brno. Do you remember those fences that they put up to stop the snow from drifting across the road ? , they were as efficient as a chocolate fireguard. :unamused:

That is indeed my mate Alan Jones.On all the firms we’ve worked on together,we ran together on quite a few trips.This would be in 1982.

Err Rob, you’ll be driving a 40 ton truck on a crust of ice over a lake, you are either a hero or a nutter, i’m leaning towards nutter myself :laughing: :laughing:

I went out in that wind last night without a hat, my ears nearly fell off between the car & the entrance to McDonalds! Had a lot of fun arseing around in the car park though, it hasn’t been cleared of snow yet & rear wheel drive is so much fun :laughing: :laughing: