Free wifi ...... at which services?

anyone know which services that i can log on to free wifi from the parkign areas :unamused:
i did manage to get a decent connection at stafford southbound… first time… are they any other places■■?

you can do a "Search Nearby"for WiFi query in Google Maps.
Ther’es several close to Stafford svces, i just checked.

or most MacDonalds

try this orange link…

or get this neat gadget from maplins £14.95 … &U=strat15

this is a cool app. for downloading…

Any Roadchef

Any Roadchef

it’s only in the building at Sedgemoor and Taunton Deane

good though :wink:

If you can park close enough you can just get it but it keeps dropping off

do u have to go into the establishment and ask them for a code?

do u have to go into the establishment and ask them for a code?

some places make you buy something before they will give you the code, at which point it isnt free :exclamation:

do u have to go into the establishment and ask them for a code?

not at roadchef, you just register an email address when you connect

yeah most places when you connect it comes up with a screen saying register when you’ve registerd use that email adress and password at any other wi-fi spot at services or what ever else.

Heres some POI for a tomtom showing wifi hotspots

it would take more than free wifi to make me part with 20 quid to park in any motorway services