Free wi-fi in MSAs?

Are there any/many MSAs with free wifi at all?

Just thinking on, if I’m going to be orf tramping at some stage (not a definite, just a maybe) then I’ve also got an open university course I’m doing and it’s an online only course - would be lovely if one was able to do it each night not just weekends…

Download a programme called WiFiFoFum,to your laptop,and it will give you the location of wifi spots,within a 1000 feet of your location.You also need a Windows programme to run alongside with it,but it will let you know which one if you try to install it on it’s own.

It won’t tell you which are encrypted,but it will be useful to know where they are.I was in Camden last week,and my PDA was going ballistic with wifi spots.

You’ll find it very easy to use,unlike a programme called Net Stumbler.


Download a programme called WiFiFoFum,to your laptop,and it will give you the location of wifi spots,within a 1000 feet of your location.You also need a Windows programme to run alongside with it,but it will let you know which one if you try to install it on it’s own.

Of course, using other people’s access points without their permission is illegal, and people have been prosecuted for it.

Just FYI…

havnt McDs gone onto free wifi

There is a press release on McDonalds website about it