Free! Trucking/Trucking International magazines

Vast collection from the 1980s, 90s and 2000s…the ‘glory days’ of the magazine. Many in binders or boxed. Brilliant articles by Bob Beech, Tim Blakemore, Alan Bunting, Martin Phippard, and more. Truck on Trial roadtests (some of which saw angry manufacturers threaten to cancel advertising they had no intention of booking in the first place ). Features on Chris Hooper, 3 and 4 Series Scanias, Volvo F16s, DAF 95s/95SFs etc.
Plus, I’ll throw in some European Bus & Truck Technology mags, and a few Roadways and others from the same era.
All free, but will require collection from East Cornwall.
Contact me via richardsimpson94(at)
If no one picks them up by the end of the month, they will go to the dump. Don’t miss this…when they are gone they are gone.

I have a stash of old Commercial motor and Headlight mags ftom the 70s my mate used to give me before I started driving.
I also have a load of T&D mags from when they first came out in the 80s.
I too could do with getting rid, no I treat in all that anymore…I got to the stage where I only bought T&D for the big crossword , but they knocked that on the head. :unamused:

I wouldn’t dump.em mate, I was gonna put mine on e.bay or gumtree., or even like you …free if anybody wants them. :bulb:

You blokes could offer your magazines to a men’s shed or local library. Seems such a shame to dump them.

I’m at that stage in my life where I’m trying to clear out stuff…when both your parents have gone you realise that no one wants to wade through the debris of your life once you are dead.


A few years ago they probably would have fetched good money on ebay or at a Transport Autojumble, but these days no one wants to turn pages looking for something when they can just google it.

I’ve thought about what you said and contacted the local historic transport club…they seem to be mostly about cars, but who knows?

Still available…but they are going at the end of the month.

If you want them, contact me ASAP.
