(Free driver CPC training) Post Removed but why?

Why was the thread in the PDF titled “Free driver CPC training … in Hammersmith and Fulham” removed ?

As far as I could see there was no advertising involved, the guy was inviting people to apply for a free Driver CPC course :open_mouth:

The reason for the post removal was given as “Rule 5 No spamming, trolling, advertising without permission — be that other websites or whatever”.

Admittedly the poster could have had the courtesy to ask permission to put the post up but nevertheless it broke no rules that I could see and unless the mods saw something I missed the post should be put back up for the benefit of TN members.

This is a copy of the post I found on another site which as far as I can see is the same as the post on this site, I’ve left out the only links in the post which were an email address and a link to the website for Hammersmith and Fulham council.

I have been working with TfL over the last year to develop a JAUPT accredited Driver CPC Safer London Driving course for lorry drivers with a heavy emphasis on the needs of vulnerable road users, and especially cyclists. The course that we have developed is the first accredited course in the UK which includes practical on-road cycle training for the drivers. This course will count towards the 35 hours DCPC that all professional lorry drivers need to complete by 2014.

Our course contains two modules of 3.5 hours, one in the classroom and one mostly outside in a suitable traffic-free area for level 1 Bikeability training then out on suitable local roads for a sample of levels 2 and 3 - quiet and busy roads. The course takes place in Fulham and is available free of charge (apart from the £8.75 document upload fee) to any lorry driver who drives in the London Borough of Hammermith & Fulham.

Our interest is getting as many lorry drivers who are either based or drive regularly in Hammersmith & Fulham to take this training course, and ultimately to cut the terrible death toll in London arising from lorry/cyclist collisions. We have already run successful courses for the Serco drivers who drive our refuse lorries.

We are in the happy position, for the time being while funds last, of being able to offer this free of charge (apart from the £8.75 document upload fee per driver trained) for courses of up to 20 drivers on 5 courses we have planned before the end of March. This training will be joint-funded between TfL and LBH&F.

Please contact me for further information if you are interested.

Best Regards
Richard Evans
Transport & Technical Services
London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham
5th floor, Town Hall Extension, King Street, London, W6 9JU

I see the thread in question has been resurrected now so feel free to delete this thread if you like :wink:

Hi tachograph.

I removed the post as it was in breach of Forum Rule #5 in that it was an advert that didn’t have permission at the time it was posted.

Due to time constraints, I only had chance to have a quick look into the links given, but I couldn’t see anything on the JAUPT website to indicate that it was an approved course although it’s perfectly possible (and legal) that a JAUPT approved provider with a different name actually delivers the course.

Anyway, permission has now been obtained and the post has been replaced in the PDF, so the job’s a good 'un. :smiley: