Forum Keeps Crashing

About 25 times tonight, the forum has crashed when i try to open a thread…

The times i have tried to post, it has crashed every time, and when you refresh it, it says Post Mode Not Specified, what ever that means!!

Is it just me, or is everyone having the same problem tonight??

Havn’t had it crash but the site is running very slow tonight for me

FFS, this is the fourth time i have tried to reply to you so yes its happening to me and its doing my ■■■■ in.

it went like this last time and then sparodically we just couldnt get on it for a few weeks due to the yanks having snags thier end.

just bear with it and it should get sorted within a few days of them discovering what the problem was(it did last time anyway)

Havn’t had it crash but the site is running very slow tonight for me

I eneded up doing a double post earlier before I realised that it was running S…L…O…W :laughing:

Oh good, glad its not just me then!!!

no ive had it as well. :frowning:

I’ve noticed this to, from home internet connection
and work internet connection.

Its been slow at times for me too… I have notified our host and asked them top take a look,
saying that I renewed my internet connection (rebooted the modem) and its working ok atm.

On another website some Virgin media users are complaining about the service lagging and slow while other ISP users are saying they have no problem- Connected?

Not Virgin media (for once) :wink:

A network problem that should hopefully be resolved now,

apologies for the down time

Not Virgin media (for once) :wink:

A network problem that should hopefully be resolved now,

apologies for the down time

Yes, our apologies. Our providers providers backbone in the midwest had problems with their fibre and they went to repair it - during that time our network has been up and down but looks to have stabilized currently and they should be done with their repairs.

Again, I apologize.



Not Virgin media (for once) :wink:

A network problem that should hopefully be resolved now,

apologies for the down time

Yes, our apologies. Our providers providers backbone in the midwest had problems with their fibre and they went to repair it - during that time our network has been up and down but looks to have stabilized currently and they should be done with their repairs.

Again, I apologize.


I always know when the problem is major - I check the site to see if it is down or not :wink:


It seems we still have some problems :cry:
I am sure Brian will update us when he knows something

Its almost as slow as Facebook and that really is like 56k. tnuk is at least as fast as the pigeons that fly like 58K.

Internet and particularly T/net slow for me this afternoon and up to 11.30 ,I have a snooker game which doesn’t slow ,so I do a post end play a few frames,listen to the wife (“are you going to be on there all night again!”)" sorry dear it’s T/Ns fault gone slow again" !!
regards derek

Has been slow for me most of day bur seems ok now