Forum front page - is it a backwards step?

Whats happend to the forum front page - now I have to click on every section to see if there are any new posts?

Smart Mart:
Whats happend to the forum front page - now I have to click on every section to see if there are any new posts?

Would you like to explain ?

I just click on “View posts since last visit” on the index page :wink:

I got used to scrolling down all the forums to look and see where there are new posts, now they are grouped into seven main sections that you have to click on to bring up the forums. Not sure i’ve explained myself correctly there!

No I know what you mean. :wink:

At the top of the forum front page, there is on the left 2 date and time stamps, showing last time you visited and current forum time, below that is a link for the The Trucknet UK …Forum Index.

Click on the link and that should then show all the forums.

Phew, thanks Colingl - now i’m back to normal.

Your welcome. :smiley: