Forgot to put your handbrake on?

Can I assume that they will allow a recovery truck in to remove the car?

The are obviously too stupid to have a license in the first place!

Most pathetic thing I’ve ever heard I think, what strange people. I bet they are a hoot at dinner party’s.

If I lived on that road I’d want to back in so it’s easier and safer to drive out. There would be less vibrations shaking the house if the council got rid of the speed bumps.

If I lived on that road I’d want to back in so it’s easier and safer to drive out. There would be less vibrations shaking the house if the council got rid of the speed bumps.

I thought that, especially as she is reversing BLIND onto zig-zag’s and a zebra crossing

Wonder if the plod respond and set up a radar trap for the evil juggernauts? They like a bit of publicity and to be seen to be responding. :smiley:

i love it police state no other complaints but there was a speeding issue some time ago again no mention of hgv

Magane’s have electronic handbrakes that automatically come on when the vehicle is stationary, more than likely faulty

Some of them do - but not that one

You’ve all got it wrong about the handbrake not being applied properly — the article clearly states that the car “slid” down the driveway! Maybe the passing lorries spilt some oil as they went by!:lol:

I always leave my car in gear,but I remember seeing a similar thing on Thats Life where some French cars moved off after the hand brake had held for about an hour.I think that the disks can expand a bit while they are hot then contract just enough for the pad to lose grip.

ok who ■■■■■■ :unamused:

I always leave my car in gear,but I remember seeing a similar thing on Thats Life where some French cars moved off after the hand brake had held for about an hour.I think that the disks can expand a bit while they are hot then contract just enough for the pad to lose grip.

Yep ! Saw that happen about 20 years ago, neighbour pulled up in a Cavalier or Vectra (can’t remember which) she used to drive it like a rally car, so the brake were hot, she pulls the hand brake on, jumps out, goes inside & about half an hour later I watched the car roll back across the road & parked itself neatly against the kerb !
Pretty Cool really as it seemed to find a space between 2 other cars, LOL !

Im sure this one doesnt have a EPB but could be wrong…

■■■■ car anyway :smiley:

wha a crock of crap,as other drivers have said they obviously forgot to apply the handbrake and are looking for a scapegoat,so of course blame the lorries,idiots

What are their brakes made out of, bread? :open_mouth:

Brake disks are made from metal ,some of us know that metal expands when heated.

A couple of years ago another car manufacturer had an issue with handbrakes releasing .It even made Watchdog ,but I take that programme with a pinch of salt They initially blamed owners saying they weren’t applying it properly,and where ratcheting it on and they should have also left it in gear…But in the long run I think hey did a service bulletin repair…With the Renault ,is the handbrake properly adjusted ■■? Do they get the vehicle serviced when it is due ■■? I lie how they added how the child normally played in front of the car…Seems to be a part of todays Britian ,when someone else is responsible for your problems …Now a good idea is to get V.O.S.A to take the car away and check it over to see if the handbrake is indeed defective or not ,I dare say they could find a shaker toput the car on and see if the handbrake does indeed release when subjected to vibration …Then take it up with Renault if required

What a load of {zb} , if it that bad the brick wall would crack. stupid {zb}

A runaway bin lorry careered out of control, crashing into two cars, demolishing a lamppost, and ploughing into a house in Sheffield.

The dramatic scenes happened when the Veolia bin lorry was making collections in Tunwell Drive, Ecclesfield, at around 9.45am yesterday. (22/8/13)

Residents watched in horror as the wagon ploughed down Tunwell Drive and across Tunwell Avenue into the home of a shocked pensioner.

Shop fitter Jamie Smedley, aged 28, whose silver Vauxhall van was damaged, said: “I was in the house when I heard this thud, thud, thud and then a bang.

“I came outside and saw the wagon had crashed into the house opposite - and my van, which had been parked at the bottom of my drive, was at the side of it.

“The lorry had hit a black Corsa first and pulled that along the road, then dragged my car down the street, across the road and into the house. There was an elderly lady in at the time. I think she was a bit shaken up.”

I was just glad there were no kids playing out. It rolled down the hill and grabbed the car on the way past.”

Owner of the black Corsa, Diane Clayton, aged 59, works as a housekeeper at the Northern General Hospital. She said: “I heard a bang and the next thing my neighbour came to alert me that my car had been damaged. It could have been a lot worse if there had been cars or pedestrians on Tunwell Avenue.”

She said both damaged cars would probably have to be written off.

at least the mess can be cleaned up and disposed of quickly

If it was me in the wrecker I’d refuse to take it as it’s too far away from the kerb.

They’ve also not separated the metal from the plastic either.