foreign drivers

Did we all see the program the other night regarding our over sea,s drivers it seem,s we are all starting to be tar,d with the same brush.Because people see our over-sea,s friends(or not friends) driving with the telly going or feet on the dash, that us more concerned driver,s are of the same standard.
Me for one have been driving many years and I think I am well above the stupid attitude that some others have.
A point was raised on radio 2 the following day regarding mirrors and the amount of accidents caused with foreign lorries because of the blind spot.
Sorry to disagree with anyone on this issue but don,t we all ensure the mirrors are in the correct postion before pulling out of the yard or am I stupid.

Come on you lot I have had at least 6 views in 2minute,s at least one of you must have a comment to make.
At the end of the day we are all driver,s being class 1 or 2 and these,s other driver,s(oversea,s) are going to make our,s live,s very difficult soon if nothing is done.
It was nearly proved the other night that most accidents regarding LGV,s were caused by our oversea,s driver,s but we are all the same to the general public .

already discussed at length on another thread hence no replies

do yourself a favour and read through the site

or do a search, where upon you will see where

this subject has been posted before,

also think aboutwhat you have posted

and if you can prove to me that all

the firms based in the UK are

angels, i come to the synagogue

with you,

:confused: :confused: :confused:

Come on you lot I have had at least 6 views in 2minute,s at least one of you must have a comment to make.
At the end of the day we are all driver,s being class 1 or 2 and these,s other driver,s(oversea,s) are going to make our,s live,s very difficult soon if nothing is done.
It was nearly proved the other night that most accidents regarding LGV,s were caused by our oversea,s driver,s but we are all the same to the general public .

Don’t drink and post is my view on the matter!!

Sorry to disagree with anyone on this issue but don,t we all ensure the mirrors are in the correct postion before pulling out of the yard

Not in my experience. Most of the vehicles I get given to drive the mirrors seem to be adjusted so the driver can see the company name on the side of the trailer and very little of the road. Must be in case he forgets who he is working for. And that is before I have adjusted the seat so it isn’t down to that.

Sorry if you got the wrong end of the stick Pete, and sorry too the other,s who have spoken but I like most cannot spend time reading all the threads that are posted.
All I am trying to voice is a view that I saw on TV the other night and was wanting a constructive reply.

Sorry if you got the wrong end of the stick Pete, and sorry too the other,s who have spoken but I like most cannot spend time reading all the threads that are posted.
All I am trying to voice is a view that I saw on TV the other night and was wanting a constructive reply.

■■■■ :unamused:

Sorry if you got the wrong end of the stick Pete, and sorry too the other,s who have spoken but I like most cannot spend time reading all the threads that are posted.
All I am trying to voice is a view that I saw on TV the other night and was wanting a constructive reply.

Bones was just pointing out why you hadn’t had many replies. People have already discussed it so are unlikely to repeat them self on a new thread on the same subject, especially as it was only within the last few days. The fact you posted in the forum for discussing non work related subjects, jokes, etc, didn’t exactly help matters in getting replies. :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

Didn’t see the show

As for blind spots,I can everything except the nitwit who’s drafting about 5 ft off the back of the trailer. :smiling_imp:

Well i as many others always have my mirrors in the best position to see around me as much as possible im also a constant wiper when i stop off anywhere out there with me rag cleaning my mirrors as for the other subject it was only thursday night an over seas friend passed by me tv on mobile in hand and was more interested in smiling at me then looking where he should our trailers were nearly kissing thank heavens for the hard shoulder

As for them having a tv on i think youll find that the majority have got laptops on with autoroute sat nav on not neighbours or the hoffs latest dvd… :unamused:

And as for the phone in hand well… Youd never see a U.K. driver doing THAT would you !!

Lets not forget you can get an A hole driver in any nationality and going by some of the muppets i see on british plates weve got more than our fair share of home grown ones

Dont get me wrong im not a supporter of all the foreign trucks and drivers on our roads and i am a firm believer in british ppl in british jobs but at the end of the day if you were offered a job in lithuania for £4000 a week take home would you not seriously consider it …I know i would (£4000 a wk takehome based on the fact that they can earn 4 to 8 times what they could in their own country)

If you want to rant and rave at someone try the government its their shortsightedness that have allowed this situation to get out of hand in the 1st place…

My personal view is that all foriegn trucks entering this country should pay a “right to operate in the uk tax” based on the length of time and distance to be travelled on our shores paid upfront at the docks and also a driving proficiancy certificate (Only obtainable on completion of a standardised uk driving course taken in their country paid for by their employers) proving that said driver understands and abides by all uk driving laws and rules.

And i also think that the police should have more power to chase up fines and prosecutions for foreign infringements …Just ask coffeeholic how much you would get away with in some european countries with their on the spot fines and endorsements… Not as much as they can and do over here i think…

Will any of this ever happen though?? I doubt it … :unamused:

Anyway Rant over… :confused:


Sorry if you got the wrong end of the stick Pete, and sorry too the other,s who have spoken but I like most cannot spend time reading all the threads that are posted.
All I am trying to voice is a view that I saw on TV the other night and was wanting a constructive reply.

■■■■ :unamused:

tiypical RodK answer… but then again you allways kiss is arse :laughing:

yep thats me :unamused:

oh yeah forgot to add

■■■■ :unamused:

As for them having a tv on i think youll find that the majority have got laptops on with autoroute sat nav on not neighbours or the hoffs latest dvd… :unamused:

Gotta be honest here and state that travelling down the A1 to Spalding on a Night Time over the past 4 or 5 months, at least 4 foreign trucks have passed me with a TV sitting on the dash with a film showing, I’m not talking about a small 10" screen either more like a 19" screen and as its pointing towards the driver I could clearly see it as he passed.

On the first occassion I did report it to the police even giving his number plate reg for both the truck and the trailer as I was doing 56 mph when he passed me next to the A59. I followed him down to Doncaster until he pulled off at the junction after the B&Q distribution centre cant remember the number off hand, did plod bother? Nope so now I just let them get on with it, maybe next time I’ll just pass a pack of popcorn out the window as they go past :smiling_imp:

Davey Driver:
maybe next time I’ll just pass a pack of popcorn out the window as they go past :smiling_imp:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

What i found amusing about the jeremy vine show was the man from the RHA who supposedly knows sopmething about transport. He said that the foreigners should to be made (by law ) to fit mirrors so he can see down the side of the unit…he also pointed out the fact the steering wheel was in the wrong position…now i am a very experienced driver and i have driven both left hand drives in the uk…and the continent…also driven right hand drive vehicles in the uk and the continent…and i must admit that there are problems at times in either the uk or abroad…the upside down mirror has been fitted to most trucks since they were manufactured…and most drivers know how to use them…this guy has a complete mis-understanding of the working truck and he represents the trucking industry…so much for that…there are many blind spots on a vehicle…more so on a truck…and thats where experience and training comes to the fore…hence the problem on our road with foreign drivers …i have found that the French…German Spanish Dutch Belgiums etc have been visiting our shores for many years and have mastered our road network…whereas the east europeans have not …and i have witnessed as we all have, the many accidents involving Polish trucks…most are not experienced, having taken a test in a tractor and trailer, and swapping this licence for a HGV…this is a practice that must be stopped …the drivers should be asked how they obtained their licences…i know this is true because a polish driver on my company told me himself…and another colleague flew home to poland and took his test within 2 weeks and came back here to start work…i have heard yesterday that Sainsburys are to employ a Polish workforce, along with Tesco, Turners etc …and thats where the danger lies…they are taking over our workforce…and the government says it has no evidence of foreigners affecting the working lives of people in many industries, including Transport and the Building trades…( the going rate for a labourer in southampton was £120 a day) its now £60…they also say the Bulgariens and Romaniens can come here providing they are in a trade where they are needed…point . as a member of the EU they are allowed to come here anyway…2.they cannot work in a recognised profession because their documents, diplomas, etc WILL NOT be recognised or accepted…the only place is the black market …this government says it will fine employers who employ these foreigners without applying for a work permit…there are thousands of people working on the black market, cash in hand, and have been doing it for years…so wheres the enforcement…■■ there isnt any …but we will pay the cost of this foreign influx…mark my words…

Don’t drink and post is my view on the matter!!

Mike, drink had nothing to do with that comment - urban is using my old laptop - hence the odd ’ to the ,


And you don’t have anything useful to say then don’t post it in the public forum!, an attack on my father is attack on the family (including me, and I will remember it in other topics that you will post in)

To be honest - what my father came out (and okay it was rasied in another forum) is something that can’t be innored like it will do in this country, as no ■■■■■■ will look out for each other now - hence why road standards is like ■■■■ on the walll now!. What was covered in the program was one of the problems I was going though and was discussed within the family alot during that time.


Don’t drink and post is my view on the matter!!

Mike, drink had nothing to do with that comment - urban is using my old laptop - hence the odd ’ to the ,


And you don’t have anything useful to say then don’t post it in the public forum!, an attack on my father is attack on the family (including me, and I will remember it in other topics that you will post in)

To be honest - what my father came out (and okay it was rasied in another forum) is something that can’t be innored like it will do in this country, as no [zb] will look out for each other now - hence why road standards is like [zb] on the walll now!. What was covered in the program was one of the problems I was going though and was discussed within the family alot during that time.

ok may i offer one hundred apologies Sir and beg your forgivness, I shalt not dis thy father in public anymore :unamused: