For anyone on AOL. Beware

Or AO hell as many call it. :laughing:

I got the option to download AOL 9.0VR, which I did. Whereupon I ‘lost’ 5 years worth of emails. So I phoned the ‘help line’ in, I presume Mumbai, or wherever, whereupon a kindly Gentleman spoke me through the procedure to recover them. When that failed, the response was, “I’m afraid you’ve lost them.”

I wasn’t too concerned as anything of importance I store on the AOL Server anyway.

And then my problems began. I use a number of Browsers for different tasks but whatever I did AOL loaded and claimed ‘dominance’. Obviously, I’d made an error when setting up AOL and needed to change a setting. But could I find which setting. :smiling_imp: Could I buggery. :blush:

After about three days, and not wanting to put up with this any longer, I ‘removed’ AOL9.0VR and, hey presto, my old emails are still there.

I’ve also noticed that a ‘forum’ on AOL, which was a useful source of information, has been discontinued. I wonder why? :wink:

Or AO hell as many call it. :laughing:

I got the option to download AOL 9.0VR, which I did. Whereupon I ‘lost’ 5 years worth of emails. So I phoned the ‘help line’ in, I presume Mumbai, or wherever, whereupon a kindly Gentleman spoke me through the procedure to recover them. When that failed, the response was, “I’m afraid you’ve lost them.”

I wasn’t too concerned as anything of importance I store on the AOL Server anyway.

And then my problems began. I use a number of Browsers for different tasks but whatever I did AOL loaded and claimed ‘dominance’. Obviously, I’d made an error when setting up AOL and needed to change a setting. But could I find which setting. :smiling_imp: Could I buggery. :blush:

After about three days, and not wanting to put up with this any longer, I ‘removed’ AOL9.0VR and, hey presto, my old emails are still there.

I’ve also noticed that a ‘forum’ on AOL, which was a useful source of information, has been discontinued. I wonder why? :wink:

LOL I didn’t think there was anyone out there that still used AOL’s browser. Firefox and access the the mail online problem solved even if the whole PC goes ■■■■ up