Foot cam

Thought this was a joke at first but website looks genuine.

I would think the modern vehicle knows what is pressed when, not sure having video footage of your feet is some great new dawn in safety …

Looks like a very cynical attempt to sell more of their cameras by inventing alleged “safety concerns” :roll_eyes:


I agree with the above post, this is just an attempt to get cameras fitted so the company can sell more.

Whilst the exact cause of an accident may not be obvious in what circumstances would blame not be fairly obvious where an accident was caused by a driver pressing the wrong pedal ?

It would be safer to put the brake pedal to the left of the steering column, on all auto trucks etc.

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Judging by how many lorry drivers I’ve started to see with their right foot sat on the dashboard as they’re driving down the motorway it would appear that it’s needed for some of the melons employed in this job.

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Nah, you’d never get your right foot passed the steering column quick enough :upside_down_face:

I don’t know if trucks have airbags in all the same places as cars do, but foot on the dash is probably not the smartest place to put it