Folks who take pics of trucks on the road

I waved to the old guy on the bridge at Newark yesterday, he was sat in the sun minding his own waving to the truckers, he had a big smile on his chops. If that makes his day then so what?? Who’s to judge what’s cool and what’s not cool each to there own I say!!

I got snapped last week on the M1 by someone standing on the grass outside Tibshelf services. He’s there quite often. Not my cup of tea but whatever floats your boat.

what i dont understand is why people who are in love with trucks dont just get a job as drivers ? it seems the perfect job for them
rather than taking pics why not try the job out ?

Seriously, would you hand the keys to a 44 tonner to some of the drips on that Stobart show :smiley:

Same with the buses, we call them ‘spinners’.
I have no problem with them, one day they be at a spot where your involved in a non fault accident and their photos may help you out.

I waved to the old guy on the bridge at Newark yesterday, he was sat in the sun minding his own waving to the truckers, he had a big smile on his chops. If that makes his day then so what?? Who’s to judge what’s cool and what’s not cool each to there own I say!!

This sums it up well said Young_al :wink:

when i worked in engineering we had a fitter worked with us and his hobby was photographing wide / unusual loads , he travelled the length and breadth of the country. to be honest we all thought of him as being a tad eccentric . however he was quite willing to show anyone his albums and even if his subject wasn’t your cup of tea there was no doubting he was a talented photographer. he also had a great understanding /knowledge of his chosen passion and could provide all manner of information ie where from/to, how heavy and any unusual /specialist methods used to load/unload and install said for his knowledge of routes ,low bridges and narrow roads etc I imagine there are quite a few tms who would love to be as wise and this was before the days of every home having access to google. I suspect CG may know the guy as they live not too far from each other , their paths may have crossed. as has been said earlier each to their own , some may think Im strange spending my spare time (and a small fortune) shooting at little clay discs as the soar through the air .

Sam miller the guy before penrith was on the a66 about mile east of penrith heading westbound.

Today’s trucks are tomorrows history, its right that it should be recorded.

In the Old Timers forum which I only occasionally visit out of general interest there’s always people asking if anyone has any photos of such and such long gone haulier from 20, 30, 40 years ago.

Some of the photos that come up on there from time to time of such as British trucks in Italy in the 70’s and 80’s are, in my humble opinion, terrific.

I met one at the red lion one nite last year. He had drove down from Widnes and was on his way to Dartford in a Ford Fiesta :open_mouth:

I don’t know if I should laugh at them or feel sorry for them, they all look the same as if they live with there mum at 50 year old.

You must travel up and down the same road every day, I ain`t met one yet that looks like me, and has for living with me mam, well I just
wish she was still living god bless her.
Anyway the point of all this taking pics of motors in my case is, over the years I took very little of any pics and now in my twilight how I wish
I had done, because the old timers certainly like to look at them. So that is why I now take photos of todays lorries so you younger lads can see if you have been snapped.
Like Driverone says todays trucks are tomorrows history. (quote).

My view is, its a hobby for the folk that do it, what’s the problem?
We all have had hobbies, no harm and I admit I look to see if I have been caught :laughing: but Jackdaw just aint fast enough to catch me :laughing: :laughing:

Get your phone fixed and I might.
(spelt) Jakdaw. :blush: :laughing:

what i dont understand is why people who are in love with trucks dont just get a job as drivers ? it seems the perfect job for them
rather than taking pics why not try the job out ?

I know quite a few of these photographers who stand on bridges and a lot of them are drivers or ex drivers, myself included! I make a living from driving and photography is a hobby. So why not photograph something that you like. There’s also a few bob to be made from it too - I’ve sold plenty of photos and made enough to buy better camera gear so it makes it a cheap, if not cost free hobby.

Is forty odd years a long time ago ? :unamused: :laughing: as I had parked in a lay-bye on the old A48 outside Cardiff when a guy came up to me and he asked to photo the wagon which was the Scammell Samson and he had been waiting to get a photo of it, he took his photo’s and we had a little chat about the wagon and years later I came across one of his photos in a book with Dougie my mate uncoupling the airlines as I was chatting to the guy but I cannot recall if he was a professional photographer or not but he did know what he was talking about.
cheers Johnnie

P S we had broke down and the wagon was there a few days

As said search for your reg on Flickr, lots on there.