fog lights

is it just me or are car drivers using there front fog lamps all the time same with some lorry drivers if so do they know that they are breaking the law by doing so

is it just me or are car drivers using there front fog lamps all the time same with some lorry drivers if so do they know that they are breaking the law by doing so

not again please :open_mouth:

is it just me or are car drivers using there front fog lamps all the time same with some lorry drivers if so do they know that they are breaking the law by doing so

Yes they know but they cant help it they were born mentally retarded I think :wink:

Maybe they think it makes those 44t look ‘sporty’ or something, bloody annoying though.

But, if it’s me, it’s only because I forgot to turn them off at vehicle check time or I’ve caught the switch whilst watchin’ a DVD during loading / tipping and not noticed. Just giz a flash and I’ll turn them right off :slight_smile:

Just found these!

Any decent and law abiding driver will sign

Apart from if your driving a volvo truck as the dipped headlights ■■■■ I’ve seen push bikes with brighter lights. Only time I condone fog light use at night (unless its foggy)

I’m a night trunker with a fh13 no need for fog lights . To be honest on motorway work if it was legal I could quite easily just use
my side lights