Flexible working

I’ve got an agreement for the next few months to work flexibly due to childcare issues. The agreement is with management and states they agree to my request to be done for 16:30 on a Tuesday only until further notice.

Its been fine for two weeks but tomorrow they’ve put me on a regular run which doesn’t get done until about 1800 normally (but “on paper” it should finish ok).

Anyone know where I stand with this? I’ve literally got nobody else to have the boy for this one afternoon so once his after school club shuts that’s it. The other week he was still sat with a teacher at 1845 which caused a report to social services and resulted in me putting this request in.

Probably not want you want to hear, but your employer doesnt have to guarentee flexible working- and also your child care issues are not their issue either.- it sounds like they are willing to try to be flexible - but as to where you stand,- they dont have any responsibility - if you cant make the job work for your issues then your only real option is to look for a job with a shift system that works better for you- sorry to be negative- but thats the reality

There are never any guarantees of a finish time in this job, with the best will in the world crap happens unexpectedly despite the best of plans.

Practically, could you offer to work in the yard/warehouse on the Tuesdays, or maybe come in much earlier than usual and cover another run normally completed by lunch time giving you up to 4 hours for any STHTF.

Yeah Ive offered to start at mad hours like 2am, offered to do warehouse on a Tuesday etc etc. They’ve kept me local these past few Tuesdays and its worked well.

Guess the only option is to call in tomorrow to say I cant come in.

Frustrating really as there’s a million different combinations of work I could do for them that gives them a full day’s work and gets me that one early finish.

A lot of transport planners seem to think it is in their job description to go the extra mile to thwart any type of domestic obligation a driver might have. And then they wonder why young people don’t want to do the job.

Harry Monk:
A lot of transport planners seem to think it is in their job description to go the extra mile to thwart any type of domestic obligation a driver might have. And then they wonder why young people don’t want to do the job.

I know a young lad who was getting married. He asked his planner to be home for friday night as the saturday he has booking to have his suit fitted. Yep the planner deliberatley planned him so he couldnt get home. ■■■■■ everwhere.


Harry Monk:
A lot of transport planners seem to think it is in their job description to go the extra mile to thwart any type of domestic obligation a driver might have. And then they wonder why young people don’t want to do the job.

I know a young lad who was getting married. He asked his planner to be home for friday night as the saturday he has booking to have his suit fitted. Yep the planner deliberatley planned him so he couldnt get home. [zb] everwhere.

My planner is like that [emoji49] if you ask for an early Friday Finnish , you’ll be the last one finished

Sent from my truck

It’s a sticky wicket is the child care with employers,On the one hand it’s the wrong job to be in as you can never guarantee getting done on time and on the other you’ve told them the reasons,it’s clear they can accommodate you because they have done last couple of weeks and you’ve also offered to swap shifts,start times e.t.c…

I wouldn’t think they would try taking you though the disciplinary route if you went home(brought whatever you didn’t deliver in time back) or didn’t turn up(won’t get paid though) as when it’s childcare it usually favours the employee and you’ve offered to be flexible to work it…

Have you reminded your company that you require a 4.30pm finish? It may just be a case that they have forgotten and so planned a normal day.

They allocated me that work, which us a regular run. I said its a sticky one for making sure I’m back so they said leave it with us and give them a call in a bit. I did, twice, but it never got changed as they were too busy to sort it out.

Someone said about it being the wrong job and I get that, but I’ve managed the past 8 years through a combination of family and if it wasn’t for Covid I’d still be managing. Basically his after school closes early now on Tuesday and Thursday for a “deep clean” and I can sort the rest of the week, but theres no family available on a Tuesday, they all work. Hence why I only need the help on a Tuesday and only because of his school closing early. If it closed normal time I’d have someone there for him.

I get the impression my gaffer thinks to himself that us drivers are lucky to have a job in current climate, let alone one work for a company that is thriving as a direct result of covid and so that pays plenty of overtime … as alot of the good perks of working for a small outfit have disappeared and he isn’t being as “flexible” with us. You could have the same problem maybe?

Family before work every time. Can always go on agency if it comes to it and on agency, especially during the run up to Xmas and the Covid crisis increasing online shopping, you can pretty much work whatever days you want if you’re happy doing RDC/supermarket/trunking work.

I can mind a certain green uniform hauler phoning me up on Sunday (1996 days off) and begging me to do a rush load to Aberdeen and empty back , I explained no go as at home with daughter as wife was just back to work , phoned back to tell me I had permission to put my 9 month old in a baby seat in cab!! And when will I be in?. Was Beginning o the end for green life for me. Family before work every time