selby newcomer:
I’m exactly the same but without the certain company bit, Tesco can’t be on your list as they never over take anyone
Yes they are, I never acknowledge a flash from you lot…
selby newcomer:
I’m exactly the same but without the certain company bit, Tesco can’t be on your list as they never over take anyone
Yes they are, I never acknowledge a flash from you lot…
I don’t flash in and don’t want to be flashed in. If someone does flash me in I always flash them back out of courtesy.
I often get flashed in when I know that if I moved back in the driver behind would be seriously tail gating me so I hang it out for a bit. It’s nothing to do with me being yoof or ignorant or any of that. It’s just that by the time a truck is at the point where I deem it safe to pull back in it should be blindingly obvious that it’s safe to do so.
Left hand down!:
So which is more courteous?a. driver of wagon being overtaken eases off by a few mph to aid your progress getting past but doesn’t flash you in, or
b. driver of wagon being overtaken keeps foot to floor thus holding you out in lane 2 for 10 miles but flashes you in once past
Bang on the money. When I’m being elephant raced as soon as the truck gets about a quarter of the way up the side of mine I ease off about 3 km/h to let them past. I’m yet to get a courtesy flash for doing so.
i,m like you Robroy, all these drivers who say “i dont flash anyone in” and " i know the where the back end of my trailer is" have all lost the plot…
is it really that hard to do, really !!
I think the drivers who have all the excuses for not flashing are probably the ones who dont bother indicating either because, what the hell if car drivers dont do it why should i?
the next up and coming thing i,m seeing lately is the old " lets see how long after the traffic lights turn red i can go through them"
I flash people when they`re a car length in front.
Do you consider that a safe gap, stupidn00b?
This has been done to death on here already again and again.
Flashing in is a simple system that has worked for years, all you superior smartarses that do not need flashed in because you …"know exactly where the back of your trailer is " don’t get it . So heres a revelation…
I also know where the back of MY trailer is , but I wait for a flash so I am CERTAIN that I am not invading your space, ie a space that varies between DRIVERS that is considered safe, thus not risking causing or instigating an accident, there is a good reason for this, it is because I try to be a safe and considerate driver … an alien idea to a lot of you.
You [zb] whits that cut in on me bring out the worst base instincts in me, I want to follow you into the services and rip your [zb] heads off , disproportional and irrational admittedly, I know, but that is what a swerve into the hard shoulder and a near loss of my mirrors do to me!
So I will continue to practice this, and if it has prevented just ONE accident in the last 30+ years it has worked
I will also flash other drivers (and “drivers” ) in, take notice or not, I don’t give a flying [zb], just let me keep my mirrors, and for the [zb] whits that "know exactly where…etc etc " keep your mirrors also, so you can view the chaos and anger as you cut everybody up when overtaking.
This has been done to death on here already again and again.
Flashing in is a simple system that has worked for years, all you superior smartarses that do not need flashed in because you …"know exactly where the back of your trailer is " don’t get it . So heres a revelation…
I also know where the back of MY trailer is , but I wait for a flash so I am CERTAIN that I am not invading your space, ie a space that varies between DRIVERS that is considered safe, thus not risking causing or instigating an accident, there is a good reason for this, it is because I try to be a safe and considerate driver … an alien idea to a lot of you.
You [zb] whits that cut in on me bring out the worst base instincts in me, I want to follow you into the services and rip your [zb] heads off , disproportional and irrational admittedly, I know, but that is what a swerve into the hard shoulder and a near loss of my mirrors do to me!
So I will continue to practice this, and if it has prevented just ONE accident in the last 30+ years it has worked
I will also flash other drivers (and “drivers” ) in, take notice or not, I don’t give a flying [zb], just let me keep my mirrors, and for the [zb] whits that "know exactly where…etc etc " keep your mirrors also, so you can view the chaos and anger as you cut everybody up when overtaking.
Pimpdaddy wrote:
(Certain companies I’ll never flash in or say thank you to their drivers)
Are these the same old big fleet companies that people always slate on here.
Why that is i’ll never know. Because that driver chooses to work for 1 of these companies does not mean that he his a bad driver, just cant logic in it myself.
Freight Dog:
I’ve recently started driving LGVs again after a long spell away. Before people always flashed you in, especially at night. I personally didn’t rely on it, preferring to wait until the truck in the mirror was really far away before pulling in, using the ethos that you want the same distance between you before pulling in as if you were both on the same carriageway. But everyone flashed the lights and we all gave a brief opposite indicator (some chose very theatrical displays) to show thanks.Fast forward 12 years and I tried flashing in wagons, what I noticed is that only 1 or 2 out of ten thank you and almost almost all cut in so close that I hadn’t time to think about flashing anyone in and on occasion have to dab the brakes the closeness has been so uncomfortable. I’m talking so close that I could see the dirt particles on the trailer handles. Also in turn, no one flashes you in. Is this a zen thing that drivers have adopted in the last decade? Needless to say after 5 days I have stopped headlight flashing. It’s pointless, it’s not in the highway code and I only ever did it out of courtesy which is not reciprocated anymore anyway. On the odd occasion people have flashed I ignore it waiting for a long long time before pulling in then a brief indicator to acknowledge.
I hear that the non flashers/thankers are all foreigners, ex Stobart drivers, Agency, Yoof of today, Split Arsed, Ex Squaddies or a combination of the above.
One things for certain… They’re all [zb]! (Especially the ones that want to take your wipers off for you)
Thats a shocking statement to make. No wonder you dont get flashed !.
Terry T:
Left hand down!:
So which is more courteous?a. driver of wagon being overtaken eases off by a few mph to aid your progress getting past but doesn’t flash you in, or
b. driver of wagon being overtaken keeps foot to floor thus holding you out in lane 2 for 10 miles but flashes you in once pastBang on the money. When I’m being elephant raced as soon as the truck gets about a quarter of the way up the side of mine I ease off about 3 km/h to let them past. I’m yet to get a courtesy flash for doing so.
You’re right there. I never flash drivers in, nor do I blip a thanks for being flashed in as I hate the whole flashing thing. Plus I nearly caused an accident when a car driver panicked and made a quick jolt for the outside lane thinking I was pulling back out when my right indicator blipped - so there is a careless driving thing going on there too, as it is not in the highway code.
But I ALWAYS knock my speed off if an overtaking truck is making slow progress past me, and I do that because I know how it feels being alongside a braindead macho idiot who keeps you in the middle lane for 5 miles. Do I ever get a thanks? I did get one in July 2011. I would argue holding off is more courteous, yet it is never acknowledged.
But anyway, who really cares about this nonsense? There are other more important things to worry about, such as the roof over my head, the health of me and my family, and whether I’ll lose my job in the next 12 months.
But anyway, who really cares about this nonsense? There are other more important things to worry about, such as the roof over my head, the health of me and my family, and whether I’ll lose my job in the next 12 months.
Why bother coming on here then mate?
That criteria could be applied to every post, thread, subject and comment on this entire forum.
But anyway, who really cares about this nonsense? There are other more important things to worry about, such as the roof over my head, the health of me and my family, and whether I’ll lose my job in the next 12 months.Why bother coming on here then mate?
That criteria could be applied to every post, thread, subject and comment on this entire forum.
Because there are a lot of useful posts, threads, and subjects that have taught me some useful things, and have given me the heads up on other things - getting a hard-on over whether somebody flashes you in or not is certainly not one of them.
But anyway, who really cares about this nonsense? There are other more important things to worry about, such as the roof over my head, the health of me and my family, and whether I’ll lose my job in the next 12 months.Why bother coming on here then mate?
That criteria could be applied to every post, thread, subject and comment on this entire forum.Because there are a lot of useful posts, threads, and subjects that have taught me some useful things, and have given me the heads up on other things - getting a hard-on over whether somebody flashes you in or not is certainly not one of them.
If that gets you a hard on bud that’s nowt to do with me
Each to his own and live and let live I say
Do you consider that a safe gap, stupidn00b?
I do yes. for several reasons, 1, the wagon Ive flashed in is travelling at a higher velocity than myself (he
s just overtaken me) hence that gap will grow quite rapidly. Why hog up the middle lane when he can be in 1st lane? If a wagon creeps up on me i drop to 85klicks when they pull out and wouldnt increase to 90 till a good gap has accumulated. 2/ i have a clear view of road in front, obviously if it wasn
t safe i wouldnt flash in. its called judgement which 90% of drivers in the UK lack 3/ in some places its actually a substantial fine for staying out in the overtaking lane when there is space in the “slow” lane.
With awareness of surroundings and common sense then yes 1 car length is a safe gap (to flash someone in that is). Im not saying 1 car length is a safe gap to maintain tho. although ya know if his back doors are an arm length in front you
ll increase your MPG for the journey by 0.05MPG…
Do you consider that a safe gap, stupidn00b?
I do yes. for several reasons, 1, the wagon I
ve flashed in is travelling at a higher velocity than myself (he
s just overtaken me) hence that gap will grow quite rapidly. Why hog up the middle lane when he can be in 1st lane? If a wagon creeps up on me i drop to 85klicks when they pull out and wouldnt increase to 90 till a good gap has accumulated. 2/ i have a clear view of road in front, obviously if it wasn
t safe i wouldnt flash in. its called judgement which 90% of drivers in the UK lack 3/ in some places its actually a substantial fine for staying out in the overtaking lane when there is space in the “slow” lane.With awareness of surroundings and common sense then yes 1 car length is a safe gap (to flash someone in that is). I
m not saying 1 car length is a safe gap to maintain tho. although ya know if his back doors are an arm length in front you
ll increase your MPG for the journey by 0.05MPG…
You flash a wagon in when he’s a car length in front of you, what happens if he has a blow out or something happens in front of him that you can’t see just as he pulls in front of you??
A car length is nowhere near enough, all you can see is back doors at that stage
I hear that the non flashers/thankers are all foreigners, ex Stobart drivers, Agency, Yoof of today, Split Arsed, Ex Squaddies or a combination of the above.One things for certain… They’re all [zb]! (Especially the ones that want to take your wipers off for you)
Then I would get your hearing checked because that is complete bollix.
Freight Dog:
I’ve recently started driving LGVs again after a long spell away. Before people always flashed you in, especially at night. I personally didn’t rely on it, preferring to wait until the truck in the mirror was really far away before pulling in, using the ethos that you want the same distance between you before pulling in as if you were both on the same carriageway. But everyone flashed the lights and we all gave a brief opposite indicator (some chose very theatrical displays) to show thanks.Fast forward 12 years and I tried flashing in wagons, what I noticed is that only 1 or 2 out of ten thank you and almost almost all cut in so close that I hadn’t time to think about flashing anyone in and on occasion have to dab the brakes the closeness has been so uncomfortable. I’m talking so close that I could see the dirt particles on the trailer handles. Also in turn, no one flashes you in. Is this a zen thing that drivers have adopted in the last decade? Needless to say after 5 days I have stopped headlight flashing. It’s pointless, it’s not in the highway code and I only ever did it out of courtesy which is not reciprocated anymore anyway. On the odd occasion people have flashed I ignore it waiting for a long long time before pulling in then a brief indicator to acknowledge.
I hear that the non flashers/thankers are all foreigners, ex Stobart drivers, Agency, Yoof of today, Split Arsed, Ex Squaddies or a combination of the above.
One things for certain… They’re all [zb]! (Especially the ones that want to take your wipers off for you)
Thats a shocking statement to make. No wonder you dont get flashed !.
I hear that the non flashers/thankers are all foreigners, ex Stobart drivers, Agency, Yoof of today, Split Arsed, Ex Squaddies or a combination of the above.One things for certain… They’re all [zb]! (Especially the ones that want to take your wipers off for you)
Then I would get your hearing checked because that is complete bollix.
Ha ha ha 2 for the price of 1.
OK, for what it’s worth.
I’m in lane 1, fat and happy at 87 clicks when someone pulls out to overtake me. If he’s passing quite smartly, I stay on cruise control. If he’s struggling a bit (and I’m not on a hill fully loaded) I’ll knock the cc back a couple of clicks. When I can see his offside in my windscreen (ie, past my A frame pillar) I’ll flash him in out of courtesy. If he pulls in before this point I will say ■■■■■” and pull back a few clicks more. If he doesn’t acknowledge I will think “ah well” and continue with my journey. After a minute or so, I will put the cc back to 87 clicks, and continue on my journey.
If I catch up with another vehicle, I will pull out when I can get into a gap (preferably about a quarter mile back), accelerate to 90 clicks and overtake. I will look to see if I am flashed in, and pull in with a flash left/right/left and continue on my journey. If I am not flashed in (or I don’t notice one) then I will continue in lane 2 until I am well clear (IMO) of the vehicle, pull in and usually acknowledge (in case I was looking out of the big window in front of me when he flashed), drop back to 87 clicks, then I will continue on my journey.
I will flash artics, puddle jumpers, vans with trailers, vans and cars with trailers (as it costs me nothing), and will sometimes get an acknowledgment, then - I continue on my journey.
I usually arrive at my destination relaxed, fat, and happy
If you have a list of people you will not flash in, then complain
that some people do not take part in your courteous game.How do
you know that you are not on their list of imagined enemies?
Your either in or out, if you do not want to play, then do not get
your ball out for other the kids to kick.
If everything you do requires recognition then your approaching
good deeds from the wrong angle.