Flashing in at night?!

Just wondering if flashing people in is a life or death thing. Been doing night trunk now for 3 months and noticed that after overtaking someone I get flashed in, “thanks” normally pull in after about 10 seconds to get a little extra space between the two of us, especially if its raining. But some people flash, then flash then go ballistic and flash like there life depends on it. Wtf? It’s as if there life’s not complete until I give them the quick 1-2 on the indicators.
I flash folk in with two quick flashes but if they missed it, or want to wait that’s fine leave it at that. Anyone else seen the midnight flasher brigade?

Anyone else seen the midnight flasher brigade?

Been on nights for 10 years, haven’t witnessed it myself :slight_smile:

But some people flash, then flash then go ballistic and flash like there life depends on it.

I use that method of “flashing” to warn/alert the overtaking driver of a fault/problem with their vehicle/load.

SOMEONE’S life might depend on it :wink:

Flashing in at night,well in France I think it’s considered a ’ let’s pull in and get friendly’ so best to avoid that one,as for the frantic flashing could indicate
someone was desperate to meet you.

A quick flick on the sidestick at night, as not to dazzle the poor bugger you’re flashing in as he happened to look in the kerbside mirror at that precise moment.

Usually I just flash twice quickly, and if they haven’t pulled in within about 10 seconds I’ll repeat in case they missed the flash.

btw C10, wasn’t you at Canal garage last night, just before midnight was it?

Negative. Midnight I was sound asleep in Trafford park

Fair enough, glad I didn’t make myself look a twit then :laughing:

Best way to deal with that is like you already figured, give a couple of quick flicks on the left indicator to acknowledge the flash and pull in at your leisure, I normally give someone a very quick double flash and sometimes another if they seem oblivious, more so in the day when it is easier to miss a flash tho to be honest.