Flair Training Black Friday Offer?

What happened to it? Did it get too many takers?

What happened to it? Did it get too many takers?

if it has disappeared then perhaps it got removed today because its saturday

It got at least one taker :smiley:

Les Shoes:
It got at least one taker :smiley:

Excellent. Make sure you pay your deposit on a credit card though. You get more protection from fraudsters that way. :wink:


Les Shoes:
It got at least one taker :smiley:

Excellent. Make sure you pay your deposit on a credit card though. You get more protection from fraudsters that way. :wink:

For ■■■■■ sake, I wanted to post something really sarcastic and derogatory about you here following that sly little dig but the trouble is that after a quick look back through your recent posts I genuinely find you quite humerous and entertaining :open_mouth:

Les Shoes:


Les Shoes:
It got at least one taker :smiley:

Excellent. Make sure you pay your deposit on a credit card though. You get more protection from fraudsters that way. :wink:

For [zb] sake, I wanted to post something really sarcastic and derogatory about you here following that sly little dig…

Sly little dig? I’m trying to help you.

There’s been training companies in the past that have taken deposits and then folded leaving newbies like yourself hundreds of pounds out of pocket. Then the same directors pop up a few weeks later with a new company name and start over as if nothing happened.

Just be careful.

Hi Contraflow

I am truly amazed you feel the need to start a new thread regarding my previous thread. It was a 1 off offer made just before Black Friday started.

I have personally spoke to all the people that booked the deal.

We have been going as Flair since Oct 2009, over 5 years. Not even 1 single complaint but hundreds of customers that are in new driving careers.

If for some reason I have upset you, I apologise We are one of the best options as are all trainers on here to get your licence.


Les Shoes:


Les Shoes:
It got at least one taker :smiley:

Excellent. Make sure you pay your deposit on a credit card though. You get more protection from fraudsters that way. :wink:

For [zb] sake, I wanted to post something really sarcastic and derogatory about you here following that sly little dig…

Sly little dig? I’m trying to help you.

There’s been training companies in the past that have taken deposits and then folded leaving newbies like yourself hundreds of pounds out of pocket. Then the same directors pop up a few weeks later with a new company name and start over as if nothing happened.

Just be careful.

My bad, thanks for the heads up then. But I felt that I had read enough solid recommendations on here to take the plunge and pay in full straight away. That and I don’t own a credit card!

John, I’m very much looking forward to meeting you properly and getting my training started. Thanks once again for your very generous offer.

You’ve made a good choice. If John runs away with your deposit - which he wont - I’ll refund it myself. Don’t be put off by misleading historical reports; far better to go on current record.

The comments about folks loosing their deposits is better directed at some of the training brokers who have had a much more colourful history than John!

All the best with it.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Peter Smythe:
You’ve made a good choice.

All the best with it.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Thanks :slight_smile:

What happened to it? Did it get too many takers?

No, but it did get too many uninformed and unresearched comments from keyboard warriors.

I’ve yet to see a single complaint relating to Flair Training on the forums, but I’ve seen plenty of praise and thanks from multiple members.

Some people flog dead horses. :wink:

I hope this helps.

I trained with John ( he like his cakes btw :laughing: home made are best ) he was very patient calm never raised his voice once can recommend him you have made a good choice

What happened to it? Did it get too many takers?

No it was removed because its was advertising- it stayed up for 24 hours (free of charge) because I felt it was a good offer to members and to the benefit of members - if Flair want to extend their offer then they need to talk to me, as it is unfair to those that help pay the bills to give free advertising- in the mean time I feel we have made a good compromise- it wont happen again unless people talk to me in advance.