Fitting lorry wheels

Con#tinuing the discussion from Tourqe policy:
#1 Mr Franglais has got it spot on, I think most of us ‘drivers’ can agree with Michelin
#2 Mr Cooper1203. Copper grease and ally wheels :rage: It once took me the best part of a day trying to separate twin wheels on a drive axle. Tools used were various bars, hammers, a fork lift with a sturdy chain (yes) , in the end I put the nuts back on, left them a quarter of a turn slackened off, hooked a loaded trailer on, and took it down the road for a hundred yards. That ‘broke’ the seal. I understand that the copper grease and the ally have a chemical reaction

ummm i was being flippant as the other contributor seemed to be suggesting the mating surfaces should be greased.

the reaction caused is called galvanic corrosion. it also happens with some of those silly coloured dust caps people put on the valves. look all pretty till you need to put air in the tyre then your screwed

Stops the kids from nicking them :laughing: